Genealogy Wise

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HI.  My father was born in Sweden.  His parents came to the US in 1912.  In 1965, there was an article in the paper in the town in which I was born asking for info about my Dad and his family.  A man that my Dad worked with forwarded it to us and my father corresponded with this newly found cousin and they exchanged family information.  Now I need more detailed info and also need sources, so need to contact Nils.   


I was always too busy for genealogy until my second son died in 2002 and I wanted to get the family stuff together for his son.  I have fiddled some with the Swedish stuff but now I am SERIOUS!<G>  I have a 1965 address for Nils, but I don't think it's current and I think it was his work address.

I don't want to just call every Nils Eliasson I can find in Sweden.  I would rather write notes but even when a phone number search gives an address, I am not sure it's complete.  How come our addresses  are so easy and everyone else's are so complicated!<G>  Would someone know how to simplify this process and find the right Nils?  Nils was born in Varmland and later his address was in Uppsala.  He may be retired now and could live anywhere, I guess.  Thanks for any help.   

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You really got to give us more to go on if you want help.

The two fronts yu can work on are tracing your father (1) and trying to find Nils (2). For path one you need to find the parish. Records are kept by parish. Has something been done?

Path (2) What was the 1965 address of Nils? Write exactly what you see; it may have been distorted already. Why dont yuo think it is correct now? How old is the address (last contact at that address)? Is it in a big city or small town? Addresses should not be all that complex to figure out. Have you written to it???
HI Lynn...I have a subscription to Genline which enables me to search parish records, however Nils was born in Varmland in 1943 and mostly it's hard to find more current records. I am not looking for my father. He died in 1980 and we were very close all my life.

I know the address is accurate as it was the same on every envelope. The contact was all in 1965 and he was in Uppsala. See my reply to Leif for the exact address. I am thinking it might have been his work address. Nancy
Hi Nancy,
I need to know your Fathers name and on the rest of his family. Were did they go then they arrived to USA?
It would help a lot if you know were in Värmland they lived
There are no Nils Eliasson in Uppsala today, but several in the area around and also in Värmland.
HI Leif. My father name was Karl Georg Bertil Eliason, always know as Bert. His parents, Georg Godthard Eliasson and Elsa Kristina Lundgren Eliasson followed her family to Muskegon, Michigan. In Sweden they lived in Sundsvall where my grandfather was a policeman. Nils contacted my father in 1965. He was born in 1943 in Varmland..a lot of that line lived in Visnums-Kil. I think they were farmers mostly. Nils' address was in Uppsala and when I googled the name Nils Eliasson, there was nothing at that address. I have several letters and a genealogy that he sent my father and Nils has perfect English. The address was Ovre Slottsgatan 8 B II, 6/0 A berg, Uppsala, Sweden. I don't have a Swedish speaking computer so that's as close as I can get.

Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to give me. Nancy
Hi Nancy,

You are probably correct in that the adress to Uppsala is a adress he lived at while working in Uppsala.
In the adress you have written "6/0 A berg, Uppsala, Sweden".
I think that it should say "C/O A Berg, Uppsala, Sweden".
C/O is short for Care Of and A Berg is the name of the person he lived with.

I have also located a Nils Eliasson born in 1943 in Värmland.
In 1970, five years after he contacted your father, his adress was indeed Visnums-Kil at that point.

The person I assume was his father was named Elias Valentin Eliasson. His grandfathers name was Elias Andersson. His great grandfathers name was Anders Eliasson.

Since the Nils Eliasson born in 1943 still is alive, I will mail you his current adress through the mail-system here on the site.
I will not post his adress on an open forum like this. It is also not compliant with Swedish law to do so.

I hope that you through this information will be able to get in contact with your relative.

And if you get in contact with him, please let us know!

Ps. You need to reply to my friend request before I can mail you the current adress!

You have mail!
Hi Nancy!

Do ju have any information about Nils?
Do you know when he was born?

Can you give us any info at all?

Just wanted all of you know that I have been able to connect Nancy to the Swedish cousin she wanted to connect with!

With the information given I was able to track him down and using some logic and some computer skills I was able to get an email address to him.
I contacted him via email and tonight, about three hours ago, I got the confirmation needed.
So Nancy have recieved an email with the information needed and Nils seemed really positive about helping her.

He did remember being in contact with Nancy's father in the sixties.

Oh...and Nancy is now connected with her diplomatic, yes indeed a diplomat, cousin!
I never expected such speedy results! Richard really took the ball and ran with it! I have been spending some time on Genline and have added sources from the birth, marriage and death records to the genealogy that Nils sent to my father in 1965. I am looking forward to talking with Nils and exchanging information on our family and many thanks to Richard for his help. Nancy



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