I thought it would be good for those of us who are actively working on our Accreditation to post our chosen research locality and their progress.
Right now, I'm working on my Accreditation in Sweden. I hope to use a branch of the same family for Certification and then get Accredited in England. (I've already chosen my English family---isn't that scary?)
I've already mapped out into my third generation but I'm still gathering gathering gathering. At the same time, I'm tracing descendants of the family lines just because I'm curious. My great great grandfather and his parents emigrated in the 1870's but we never had any knowledge of what became of his brothers and sisters. While its not part of my Accreditation report, I'm tracking his siblings to through marriages and deaths just for completeness.
Where are you working on? What is your progress?
Attached is a photograph of my first generation ancestor for the project.
Bradley D. Marchant
www.yourownheritage.com (under construction!)