Genealogy Wise

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Would there be any person who has any details on Burials (Death) in Lebensorte, Evangelisch, in Germany,the Surnames names are Giesen,(First Names , Gerhard,Anna,Joes Hermannnus,Magdalena,)any details on these people would be very nice ,Kind Regards Albertus.

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Hello Michael, Many Thanks for all the details but could not find any details that fit my family ,even the Heinrich Giesen as i have my Heinrich Married to Mary Hennessy ,also all the German places are very hard to follow, Is there any other Places i can look for the Deaths in English ,once again Many thanks Albertus.
Hello Michael,I have gone thru all that you have sent me and do thank you very much,I am still trying to find out a way to get it in English,On Johnann Heinrich Marriage to Margarethe Oesterwind in 1853 well do you think that margarethe died and he married again in Ausrtalia in 1857?,the only thing is to get her Death details to see when she died ,what do you think ,Once again many thanks for your help in trying to get the death details on the Giesen Family ,cheers Albertus.
Gee Michael, Many thanks for those details on giesen,is that web site where you got it from ?,cheers Albertus.
Albertus--I can't find anything at all on a place called Lebensorte, Germany, nor can I find it on a map, (the word means "living place" in German) but I found another post from you which mentioned Mulheim an der Ruhr and also saw that Michael sent you a marriage from there. So, I checked the LDS Library catalog and found that the LDS has microfilmed several different types of records from Mulheim, including deaths (tote), which you can rent from any Family History Center that may be near where you live. You don't need to be Mormon to use these records. See:*,0,0 or just go to, click on library, then catalog, then "place search," then enter the name of the town.

The records will be in German, of course, and, probably in old German script. See p. 39 of the LDS's article on German research for assistance in reading the German letters, available at
Hello Catherine,Many Thanks for the reply to my email,what i require is Death Details on them ,I live in the country and is about 4Hrs drive away so at the moment that's out ,also have another place called Eppinghofen if that's any help,the Family I am looking for are on my G/M side of the Family (giesen),Thanks for the help for what you sent , I will try the other sites ,Kind Regards Albertus
Hello Michael,Many thanks for those sites etc ,will keep me busy for a while ,i will try and see what i can find in my family, have a good weekend ,cheers Albertus.
Hello Michael,Are the above people birth dates,Many thanks Albertus.
Hello Michael,Many Thanks for all your help on my Giesen Family,i am having a lot of trouble sorting out the German words,also the giesen i am trying to find are Born from 1772 to 1831,and any deaths after that ,the names again are Anna ,Gerhard,Joes Hermannus, Wilhelmus,do hope you can find me something ,Kind Regards Albertus.



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