Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I've just watched the archived FTM 2011 webinar, and came away with many questions.  Concerning the ability to customize the timeline, I want just WWI into my grandfather's timeline and it seems that all the World History category of events from my grandfather's lifespan were entered.  It appears that I cannot delete them all from my grandfather's timeline without deleting them all from the entire FTM "database"  Apparently I've deleted some important World History events that I could have used for some other family member.  

      I see the Timeline Pulldown Menu -> Manage Historical Events options, but (1)  isn't there a way to insert individual Historical Events from the database into any particular person's Timeline showing Historical Events?    Also (2) I'm not sure if I'm forever going to have "World History" events in all my family tree members' timelines, or can I chose "US History" events as the automatic category. 

   For now, I'll un-check  "Show Historical Events" for my Farmily Tree in that Timeline pulldown menu, so it makes more sense to me. 

      Thanks, Donna Wendt

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Please remember there are Three (3) Timeline Options. Individual, Family, and World Events. The first two take FACTs from the Individual or the immediate family. The World Events does come from the Database within the program.

I am not sure that these events are as selective as you would like.

The World Events are NOT in your Grandfathers Timeline as you described. The WWI events come from the World History Category, which is the Family Tree Maker system "database".

Have you Deleted any of those World Events? It sounds like you have.

To your question: (hopefully I have answered them already)

(1) isn't there a way to insert individual Historical Events from the database into any particular person's Timeline showing Historical Events?

No. Two different databases. Individual Facts and World Events

(2) I'm not sure if I'm forever going to have "World History" events in all my family tree members' timelines, or can I chose "US History" events as the automatic category.

No, not at this time. We can't pick and choose.

Hope that helps,

Thanks, There are "categories" in the "Manage Historical Events" choice on the pull-down for the "Timeline." It looks like you have to have "USA" in the location of the individual's facts and the years noted, in order to get the relevant "US History" events to automatically feed into that person's timeline.
Thanks again. Donna

Haven't gotten into that piece yet. Please let us know how it works out for you.

Thank you,

You could create your own event category and add only those events you want to appear. Note that each event category must be associated with a place and "world" isn't accepted there.




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