Genealogy Wise

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An Invitation for Descendants of Plantation Owners and Descendants of Slaves to Collaborate to Rediscover Lowcountry African American Heritage

Genealogical Research in the Lowcountry - Descendants of Plantation Owners and Descendants of Slaves Collaborate to Rediscover Lowcountry African American Heritage

For the past two years, descendants of the slaveholding Drayton family and descendants of families formerly enslaved on Drayton family plantations have worked side-by-side to rediscover the genealogy of African American families on Drayton family plantations. The full research results will be posted on Lowcountry Africana in the near future (we are compiling now). You may follow our blog to view research updates:

With this forum, we would like to broaden that scope to begin collaborative research between descendants of all Lowcountry slaveholding families and all Lowcountry African American families.

Did your family own plantations and hold slaves? Would you like to share documents which name the enslaved or free families who worked on your family's plantations? Please do join this research and share documents and information, photos...

Are you a descendant of enslaved or free African Americans in the Lowcountry? Please join the research effort and share your family history, photos, life experiences...

GenealogyWise gives us an enormous opportunity to use the reach of the Internet to begin a large-scale collaborative research project to rediscover family heritage in the Lowcountry! We hope you will join this research effort!

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Hi Claudia,
Thank you so much for posting, and for the information about your ancestors! We would love for you to share any of your ancestors' records that mention slaves.

Toni :0)
Hi Toni,
Went back over my notes. William Harrison Fitzgerald actually bought and sold slaves as an occupation. There is quite a bit about him in the book "My Dear Jane" by Margaret J Kennard. It's a rather rare book. But what a find! Not all of the info is accurate. My ancestor Charles Carroll was erroneously called Robert in it but otherwise I'm quite pleased with it.
Hi Claudia,
Wow, that is quite a discovery and it is generous of you to go back through your notes and share what you learned. Thank you so much!
I hope this leads to future discoveries for you, and for African Americans who share your family's history.

Hi...I recently came across an ancestor of mine, Alfred Plummer, who was born in North Carolina in 1823. He apparently became a slave owner (according to the slave schedules) and owned approx. 20 slaves. I don't know much more than that. It's such a shame that there were no names listed..just numbers. He died in Arkansas after the civil war so, I would like to know more. Hopefully he freed all 'his' slaves!
Hi Kathleen,
Thank you so much for posting here. If you should find any documents in the course of your family research that name slaves, it would be wonderful for you to share them!

Toni :0)



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