Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I have just purchased Legacy 7.5 and am waiting on the booklet.  In the meantime I have started inputting some information into Legacy.  I have two questions.  One regarding step children.  I have two children and I put the relationship between me and my children as step children but on the Family Tab screen it still shows them as my children.  Is this correct?  Also in the Pedigree Tab it shows them as my husband and my children.  Is this correct?  When I put in their mother's information, what will happen?  The second question - my daughter is divorced from her husband.  I put the divorced event in there and the date.  Will his name remain opposite her name on the Family Tab screen until she remarries?


Thank you.

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I have some problems in understanding you! You say "I have two children and I put the relationship between me and my children as step children but on the Family Tab screen it still shows them as my children" Now your children are either *your* children, or those of a partner who had a previous relationship, and hence your step children - they cannot be both.


It would really help if you clarified the relationships.

I'm sorry.  I know I didn't explain that very well.  I have two step children.  My husband was married before and these children are from that marriage.




Your best method is to first enter your husband, add his former wife and then their children. Now add, or link yourself to him as his second wife by clicking on the spouse item in Family View, and select to display yourself and him. If the children are not visible go to his first marriage and right click on one of them, Click View and select "Show half kids", and return to your marriage.


Right click on the children and select "Children's Settings" and at the bottom select "Step" as their relationship to yourself. No need to touch your husband as Legacy assumes "natural" by default.

Although I am not familiar with the Legacy 7.5, I am using an older version. What I have found is that you can include the step children in a family, but they will need to be entered as children of their birth parents, and then you can include them in the current family. It becomes very confusing, however, it does work in older versions.


As for the divorce, my understanding is that her ex will show up, but the relationship will still be labeled as divorced. To my understanding, a way of removing the name is beyond the programmers at this time, though several have been working on it.


I hope that this answers your questions.



My wife had four children to a previous marriage and I have her children to her first marriage under their name.

I also have the same children in my family as I adopted them, and all their details, like marriage and birth of their children are under my family file.

Thanks everyone for your reply.  I really appreciate all the suggestions.

As to step children, I just make the other marriage show and put the children under the correct parents. You do know

about the ability to add a second spouse, don't you?  I even have some "sets" of people with 3 marriages on both sides.

Now that does get a bit complicated but still doable.  It's a great program. :-)


and don't forget to select the preferred spouse so that will be the family that will show up on the screen.

when there are multiple marriages

I might also suggest that you visit

on this page there is a video for beginners on th legacy software  with many good tips , and definitely worth the time

Thanks all.  I will check out the videos again and am anxiously waiting my Legacy book.  But thanks for all the suggestions, I really appreciate it.  Glad to know this site is here if I have other questions.  Cheri



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