Genealogy Wise

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Attached is a file on 6 generations of the family that originated in the Netherlands. It is about 114 pages long and includes notes and sources. Additions/corrections are greatly appreciated. I have not worked on this for about a year so have some other stuff that needs to be added but it is mainly later time period then what is posted.

Have about 20 pages of couples where I cannot connect and will post those later but not all of them are in the Long Island area.

Thanks for any leads offered, Jim.

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A further note about "Famy/Fanny" HAGAMAN SMITH: a group of Presbyterian church records from Romulus, NY, which you can link to from the FamilySearch page "Romulus, Seneca County, New York Genealogy" Church Records list, or directly at , gives her full first name as Euphemia.

Have you done a Y or other DNA test.

Do you know anything about Evert Hageman and his children?

Which Evert?
Evert Hagaman and Mary Wiser, I found listed a Son named John born 1799.  Evert seems to have been a brother to Isaac died 1804, and William Hagaman both appearing in Ovid, NY


Two attachments, one for Evert who I do not have sibs Isaac & William.  The other is for Isaac & brother William D. who I do not have as sibs of Evert (This line has MANY variations so could be in error).


As usual additions & corrections greatly appreciated, thanks, Jim.


I did a Y DNA test and found a Hagerman in Missouri descended from the Frncis at the bottom I have one base pair difference which would seem to point to a close connection

my great  grandmother  was  a Hagaman



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