Genealogy Wise

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Hi Folks,

New to the forum and my first posting.

Big brickwall here and been researching for over a year on Ancestry/Jewishgen/UK Nat.Archives/Bmd:-

Cannot birth Certificates for:-

1.  Gertrude (Gertie) Goldstein born St. George in the East 

1911 Liverpool Census  states 1893. 1918  Marriage Certificate states 1892. 

Death Certificate states 1895.

2. Lazarus Goldstein b. 1899 Whitechapel.  (there are 4 same name, same year, but differant parents.

The only census I have is a 1911 Liverpool showing:-

Leah Goldstein b. 1874 Russia  Widow  (husband David died in Liverpool in 1910)

Gertrude Goldstein b. 1893 St. George in the East (daughter)

Lazarus Goldstein b. 1899 Whitechapel (son)

The mother Leah Goldstein was born Labisky.

I cannot find any census other than the 1911.  Know when they got married and the remarriage of Leah Goldstein.

Wrote to Tower Hamlets Registry Office several times and no reply.


Grateful for any suggestions and also if anyone needs help with their research let me know.






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So you're saying you have seen the 4 birth certificates of Lazarus Goldstein but none of them have a mother called Leah nee Labisky? Obviously, censuses give ages not years of birth - if he was 12 years old have you checked the last 8 months of 1898? There are two Lazarus Goldsteins registered during this period.

As for Gertude, I'd be inclined to trust the earlier information. Older people can get creative/forgetful when it comes to the facts. Did she change/anglicise her name? There's a Godallia Goldstein birth registered in the 1st qtr of 1893.

Marriage certificates should confirm who their father was. Have you purchased copies of their marriage certificates?

Thank you for the info.

Will check 1898 as you suggested for Lazarus.

That Gertrude could have changed here name, will check "Godallia".

M.C. for Lazarus and that of Gertrude state "father David Goldstein deceased" and that would tally as he died in 1910 in Liverpool.

Grateful for your input.


Have you noticed a possible match for David GOLDSTEIN in the 1901 census, a plumber and glazier age "35", born Russia, boarding in Leeds (in the household of a Bella SOLOMAN age 34, also from Russia). He is listed as married, so possibly if Leah and the children were living elsewhere on census night they forgot to register/thought David had registered them etc. Obviously it doesn't help your mystery much, but it was not unusual for itinerant families to get missed.


Thank you for the info.  Yes I have seen the 1901 census and his age would fit as 1866. The MC of the children put the father down as "Shoemaker", but there again maybe not knowing anything would do.  This info would also account why I cannot find them in a 1901 census.  I remember someone a long time ago telling me about this census and they had found info that David went from Hull, by train, to Liverpool.  Thats was all the info I got. 

Does help the mystery when they came to England .

Before getting the BC of Godallia I have been trying to find here in 1901 census to no avail, but from you have said they could possibilly been an "itinerant family".

Thank you for your time, much appreciated.




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