Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Hi Everyone,

Newbie here, be gentle with me :-)

I am trying to trace the offsprings of my Grandfather's brother. He was William Glover (1890-1931) who married Alice McCarthy (1894c-1978). They married in Tralee, Co.Kerry in 1916. William served in WWl with the Royal Engineers. They settled in Wandsworth after the war and had 3 children: William b1924, Michael 1926-33 and Mary 1929. William Sr, Alice and William Jr are all buried at Rippleside
cemetery.  I would like to find out if the 2 remaining children married and had families of their own.

I am based in Dublin and am used to the Irish system but I am finding the UK research a bit bewildering (and expensive). I have ordered some certs from GRO and they cost over £9 each and take a month to get here. I can only find indexes online and they don't give much information, so I cant' even be guaranteed that I am ordering the right cert. Is there an easier way ?

Any advice would be much appreciated

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Just wondering whether Alice (and/or Wiliam Jnr) left a will? Wills are still very good value, are public documents and may well contain a lot of family detail. My elderly relatives wills generally contained names and addresses of surviving children and grandchildren. Well, when I say good value, the search was £5 last year but I now see it has risen to £10, but that includes a search through several years of records and a copy of the will or admin (if it exists).  See

Yes, the cost of BMD certs went up considerably a few years ago, I think to exploit the interest in family history. Unfortunately family history is not a cheap hobby if you want to get the correct facts!

Thanks  a million Sean,

I struck lucky with 2 of the certs I ordered and found both children's marriages. I managed to find addresses for them using and I am delighted to say that I have been in contact by phone. They were delighted to make contact and I was able to give them a lot of information on the family tree. They were able to fill in a lot of gaps for me too.

I'm not finished yet and really appreciate your links to the wills and probate index. I have a few more relatives to track and will definitely give that a go. Many thanks for your help



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