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I am searching for the deaths of mygreat grand Parents  Olof Martenssen Born 29 Mar 1817 in Edslekog and Britta Maria Magnusdotter born 14 JUn 1817 in Billingfors, both appear in Habol Alvsborg Household examinations list from 1851 thru 1890. I could find no death record in family trees in Ancestry or evidence of emigration to the US after 1890 Their son Peter Wilhelm Olofson( Olson in the US) came to the US after 1874 to Minnesota I believe before marrying in Colorado in 1883.   Any Information would be appreciated   Thank W Michael Schummer.

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They both lived in Håbol parish and Olof died sept. 21, 1892.

Brita Maja ( Maria) emigrated to Kristiania, Norway, dec. 2, 1894.

I hope this helps...



   THANKS  Yvonne        I assume this info was on the HOUSEHOLD SURVEY LISTS FOR Habol    Mike SCHUMMER

Yes it is. Do you also know Olof and Brita Maja had a daughter: Matilda, born 1847 and one more son: Alfred, born 1859...

It says the son,  Alfred Olsson, born nov. 21, 1859 went to Norway nov. 1883



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