Genealogy Wise

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Recently I returned to research my mother's side of the family and learned my grandfather served with the Expeditionary Forces. Here starts my brick wall. He was born in the US but his parents were born in Canada (not sure if that would make any difference). He was born and raised in Massena, NY and traveled between NY and Kingston, Canada.. He served witht he 41st Regiment, 156th Battalion. He was injured at the Battle of Vimy, and when he returned to Canada he was in and out of the hospital from 1917 to 1921 when he died from the affects of the gases the German's used. I was searching the newspaper archives and found an article in the Canton Commericial Advertiser that he lost his American citizenship on the grounds of being an "undesirable alien" when he enlisted in the Canadian Forces. I thought perhaps it was because he had to pledge his allegience to Canada therefore losing his American citizenship. But I am not sure that is the case from talking with others.I have his enlistment papers and have requested any other information they may have available in hopes I would find more information. I am looking for advice on the best avenue to take to find more info.

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The oath taken upon enlistment says "I ------------- do make oath that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King George the fifth, His Heirs and Successors and that I will as duty bound honestly and faithfully defend His Majesty His Heirs and Successors in person, Crown and Dignity against all enemies and will observe and obey all orders of His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors and all of His Generals and Officers set over me, So Help Me God."

He would relinquish his US citizenship by doing this because by doing this he declared allegiance to the Crown for not only the life of King George, but forever.
Just for your information. The United Empire Loyalists were those who remained loyal to the British Crown during and after the American Revolution. To be an UE (which requires you proving your descent from the Loyalist) you have to declare your allegiance to the Crown, even today. There are people, who are American citizens who are descended from Loyalists who cannot get their UE designation because to do so would require them to declare allegiance to the Queen.



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