Genealogy Wise

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Hi, everyone!  I'm taking the course Social Media Tools for the Wise Genealogist and I just found out about Genealogy Wise today.  I recently started a blog at I would like to become a professional genealogist and I spend a lot of time learning about every genealogy related.  I started tracing my family tree when I was 15 years old and have continued on and off for many decades now.  I have a lot of family support for which I am grateful.  My weaknesses right now are having enough patience to write a decent research report and not to lost focus on the project at hand.  The families I am researching are from the midwest and the south.  Some surnames in my line are Popplewell, Satterfield, Turpin, Martin, Ames, Witham, Blass, Ohl, Ooton/Wooton, and Hochstetler.

My name is Nelda Rodgers and I started researching my genealogy based on a descendant chart my great grandfather sent his Bible in order to prove he was an heir of Jacob Baker in Pennsylvania.  I learned this was part of a Baker Family Hoax.  The second reason I started looking was because my grandfather and his famiy thought my great great grandfather abandoned after his first wife died.

The surnames I am researching on my dad's side:  Baker, Childers, Duncan, Pearson, Rodgers/Rogers, Smith.  On my mother's side:  Gann, Griffith, Patterson, Steen, Wood.

Great stories!  Any way I can help?  I live in Iowa now, but moving to the SW as soon as it is safe.  I have Rogers on the Mayflower, SMITH in England and Canada

Hi!   I am researching the Espy, Sanders/Saunders, Crecelius, Wisdom and Branham families that were in southern Indiana and Kentucky around the Louisville area.  I am also trying to find information on the Ashcraft, Hatfield, Brinegar, Helton and Henderson families which were mainly in Greene, Monroe and Lawrence counties in Indiana.  I have been researching since the early 1990s and started taking classes about a year and a half ago. 

My name is Jennifer Trzcienski and i have been working on my genealogy first for a badge for girl scouts and then for school project and the learn how to really get into it at my first library job over 29 years. I have attend many seminars both in person and virtual. I am also a member of the following Virtual Genealogical Association, NGS and the NEHGS(American Ancestors) I am also a member of our local Roscommon County Genealogical Society. I love to research both my family i do help people on occasionally.   

Roscommon County, Michigan ? 

Hi. I live in Nebraska and am very involved in the Nebraska State Genealogical Society. Part of my ancestors have lived here since the 1870s. Have research much of my husband's family and my family. I currently don't have time for much of my own, as I am working. Surnames include Jorgensen, Seggerman, Regnier, Foster, Lindsay, Sickmon, etc. My husband's: Sparrow, Foresman, Patterson, Thompson, etc. 

Welcome, Beth! My husband's ancestors are from Nebraska, mainly in the area around Beatrice.

I've been involved in family history for at least 2 years. Have used social media and Ancestry to connect to many family members, exchanging family history information.

My current genealogy research focus is McMurran/McMurrin family, specifically my ancestor, Henry McMurran who emigrated from Antrim, Ireland with their wife, Mary and raised a family in Minnehaha, South Dakota in the early 1880's. This is part of my maternal family lineage and so far, has been a hard nut  for me to crack/discover new records, make new family connections to find out more about their lives, why they decided to emigrate and settle in South Dakota. 

I am enrolled at NIGS taking courses in the American Records Certificate.  I had to take a year of because of health reasons I had stroke and it has taken me this long to be able to use my first fingers to type. Genealogy has been my life for 40 years. I am adopted and didn't research my birth parents until my mother told me to look.  That it wouldn't upset her. I submitted my DNA ad was able t find out a lot about my biological family.  Right now trying to find more info on my husbands family surnames -  Weber, Lloyd, Brown and Alexander.  The Brown/Alexander families are from Monticello, Wayne County , KY.  Mothers family, the Yocum's, King's, and Cardwell's, are from Tennessee then Indiana.

Welcome ! Did your husband test DNA ? My 2nd great-grandfather was Henry John Lloyd, B: MAY 1849, Virginia, D: 1929, Hopkinsville, Kentucky. I have tested on Ancestry. His beginnings are a brick wall.


Welcome, Janet. Glad you are able to research again.



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