Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Thomas, ? - 1655; Stephen, 1650 - 1735; Stephen, 1686 - 1777; Benjamin, 1720 - 1792; Joseph, 1750 - 1835; Arad, died in Ohio; Baldwin, 1806, Ohio - 1843, Knox Co., IL; Silva, 1827, Ohio married George Washington Enke, Rozina Enke married William Elwell. My great grandparents are both buried in Miami County, KS. 

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Hello!  Duane Mantick from Lafayette, IN and originally from LaPorte, IN.  My Upsons track back from Dr. Jesse Upson 1756-1838, a 5th GGF and SAR Patriot Ancestor.  If the genealogy is correct, his parents were Lt. Benjamin Upson and Mary Blakeslee.  Benjamin's father was Stephen Upson Jr. 1686-1777 - his father Stephen Upson 1655-1735, apparently son of Thomas Upson 1617-1655.  His father looks like Richard Upson 1599-1635.  



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