It is a proven fact that hobbies can be beneficial to our health. As you know stress affects us mentally, physically and emotionally. Engaging in a hobby is a great way to deal with stress. Genealogy reseach especially can allow us to unleash our creativity as it allows us to enjoy an activity we are passionate about while receiving a sense of accomplishment as you manage to tace your family line back another generation or break through a brick wall.
Genealogy research can be both exciting and envigorating. It's as if time stops and you find yourself in another era; What was it like, what was going on in the world at that time, how did these events affect our ancestors, etc. Genealogy research is something many people are very passionate about. How many things can you say that you are truly passionate about in this day and age?
Genealogy research allows us to escape from daily stress and worries and now GenealogyWise will enable us to communicate and form friendships with like-minded individuals. So if anyone tries to give you a hard time about your Genealogy "hobby" just remind them of the many benefits you get from it.
What do you get from Genealogy?