Signe is a Nordic name you will even find it on wikipedia
Hoi Marianne,
Gewoon een profiel verwijderen is in Wikitree helaas niet mogelijk maar er zijn een paar andere oplossingen voor:
1. Het profiel leeg maken en hergebruiken voor iemand met dezelfde achternaam. (dit heeft de voorkeur)
2. Het profiel mergen/samenvoegen met bv. het profiel van de oudere broer met dezelfde naam.
Very nice! Thanks for suggesting it!
I've pondered on this a lot. Or rather, I've pondered on how I can improve the diversity of profiles on wikitree given that 93.5% of my ancestors come from Yorkshire, England and even working out sideways to increase my CC7 count I rarely move twenty miles.
My approach has been to take more care over those profiles which connect me to countries outside of an anglo-centric world. I try to take them one or two steps further than I would my Yorkshire connections. It's a small contribution, and one where I need to take more care as I don't have the right experience but I know that each carefully added profile will help.
On a recent post, two members have stated that their comments had been turned into answers against their own wishes. In other words someone on wikitree with the power to turn comments into answers did this without the consent of the members involved.
Should this be allowed.
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Tom, are your Shaws from southern Maryland?