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Is anyone else interested in Acadian / Cajun roots? My mother is a full-blooded Cajun, and I was born in Lafourche Parish, so I have been fascinated with my French-Acadian heritage. One of the best things about researching Acadian genealogy is that there are SO MANY resources! They took censuses in the 1600s, Nova Scotia has baptism, burial, and marriage records (with original images) from the first half of the 18th century in Port Royal, and there are even ship manifests that show the exiles and their destinations.

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My Acadian ancestors went west to Quebec.
My husband's Acadian grandmother was born in Nova Scotia and went to Boston.
Nice to hear from an Acadian - although I live up in Quebec. I blog about Acadian & French Canadian genealogy plus postcards over at at A CANADIAN FAMILY.
hi Earline - nice to cross paths with you in a new place!

Earline Hines Bradt said:
My Acadian ancestors went west to Quebec.
Hi Evelyn, you are doing a great job on the Postcard carnivals, I just wish I had some to contribute.
My mother and I are getting back into doing some research and most of our ancestors were Acadian. We have quite a bit of information already and are hoping to get to Nova Scotia within the next year.
I also have Acadian ancestry. My mother was baptised as a White but she was really a LeBlanc. I have quite a bit of information on LeBlancs as well as related families.

A good site for early information is:

I live in Northern New Brunswick and would be willing to try to help if I can.

I have no information on Acadians who migrated to Louisiana.

Hi everyone,
My acadian ancestorscame from France, in the 1700's settle in New york, we believed that they moved to New Brunswick , Canada during the Revolutionary war. My interest are Gerows, McGees, Churchills and many other families too numerous to mention...
I'm curious about the other records aside from church related because the church in my family's area in Acadia Parish burned along with all the records. I haven't done anything in regards to census records either here in the states or in Nova Scotia although I can easily follow my line on the Doucet website in regards to the paternal side of my grandmother's family. The other side is LeJeune however it's come to light in the last 20 years that our grandmother's mother was adopted and had native American heritage which is a dead end for me. Where would you start in regards to census records? I would love to have copies of documents pertaining to these ancestors.
I guess it would depend on the tribe, but I recently came across a large collection of tribal records at, grouped as the 'Dawes Collection'.'My first wifes family was Nail, and they had over 900 records under that name alone with the Choctaw and Chickasaw. Mostly applications for membership in the Indian Territories from the late 1800's. Might be a starting place....

Louisiana tribes will be a different story, I think. except the Choctaw in the northern part of the state near Mississippi, not many became 'reservation Indians'. Many of the tribes died out, or became so intermarried with the 'Cajun' and canary island immigrants during the Spanish occupation, that they are not recognized tribes by the government, The Houma, are just one example of a tribe that has struggled for decades, in Terrebonne Parish, to become recognized by the BIA.

Unlike the English, the French were known for 'going native', much more willing to accept the life style and culture of the native people they lived beside, and so away from New Orleans, the cultures tended to absorb one another in the +150 years of settlement in Louisiana before the English began to invade the swamps.
If any of you are interested in information regarding the Acadian Bourgeois', my site contains records for about 10000 Bourgeois' as well as links to weel know acadian sites.
Absolutely. My grandmother and her parents, who I was privileged to know as a young child, were Cajuns from the Avoyelles Parish area. My fiance's family are the opposite-side Cajuns (different culture/dialect), they are from St. Martin Parish, located in the heart of "Cajun Country". Which are actually more Cajun, or Acadian, Creole, etc. I am not sure as all of that ended up blending at some point along the way.

My grandmother only spoke French as a child and was taught English in school, and she then taught it to my great-grandparents. I still miss hearing their deep accents and the talks they would have in Cajun French; they talked to each other in their native tongue to keep it fresh in their minds.

I traced some of my family up into Nova Scotia; it's on my website. My grandfather - who just passed June 5 - was mostly German (his father's side), and some French (his mother's side). I have been able to trace the Prestenback/Prestebach line all the way to Brestenbach, Germany.

I am fascinated by our Cajun/Acadian heritage, and so very proud to have been and raised a Cajun. My fiance comes from a very-Cajun area and everyone there still has the strong accents, the way of life, and some still talk Cajun French; I love going out there b/c it reminds me of my Cajun grandmother and great-grandparents, who are all gone now.



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