Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Note: I created this group because it didn't exist yet. I intend to do as little moderation as necessary, unless the lack of moderation becomes an issue as Genealogy Wise grows in membership. Until then, everyone should feel empowered to create Missouri-Research-related discussion threads they feel will be of use to other members of the group.

However, I do have a few options regarding the overall look and feel of the group. Some of you who are members of multiple groups may have already noticed that some groups have some features others don't.

1) This group doesn't have the option for group members to send messages to everyone in the group at once. I felt allowing that option would likely lead to hurt feelings as some members accused others of spamming the group. As the creator/admin of the group, I do have the option, but I have no intention of ever using it. (For example, this post could have appeared in all of your genealogywise inboxes, but I thought it better to post it as a discussion thread.)

2) I did include both the Comments and Discussion modules. I'm beginning to wonder if we need both. Personally, I much prefer the Discussion forums, as it organizes the discussions, and those who have aggregators (e.g. Bloglines or Google Reader) are able to subscribe to the Discussions. Removing the comments would allow those with aggregators the option of turning off group email alerts, with the knowledge they will not miss any group contributions. However, if there are members who want to keep the comment thread, I will keep it.

Any input, or suggestions are welcome

Decision: When I copy and attempt to paste the comments into a discussion thread, all formatting (including links to profile pages and elsewhere) are lost. So I am not going to delete the Comment Wall.

Views: 104

Replies to This Discussion

If you decide to turn off the general comments, I fell that you should preserve those that request help. Either place them in the "Introduction" group, or create a search group. This type of comment can be of great help to those who are searching in a specific area.

I agree. If the general comments are removed, I will copy the comments that have already been posted and post them to .a discussion group.
Good ideas but I have a different problem. I keep getting messages that so and so left a message for me and click the link, but I cannot find any of the messages. Where are they???????
Do the emails look something like this:

A message from (Name of Person) to all members of (Name of Group) on Genealogy Wise!

[Text of Message]

(Link to Name of Group)

If that's the case, they have clicked on a link that sends a message to everyone in the group. (Which I disabled in this group) Those messages don't appear on the site, they only appear in members emails. (I thought they were sent to our GenealogyWise inboxes, but I just received one myself, and it turns out they appear in our email.)

If that's not what you're referring to, these messages could be in your personal inbox - (Look for the word 'inbox' in the upper right of your screen; if there is a number beside it, you have messages to read. Click on 'inbox' to read them.)

Finally, if the email says they left the message in a particular group, but it doesn't have the "to all members" language, it's likely referring to either a discussion post, or a comment, in which case you should be able to find it in the group.

You can click on 'Settings' in the upper right, and then click on 'Email' and there select when you want to receive email alerts.
Thanks for staying on this. I just had 6 emails which I ended up deleting because I could not find them. They were to the general group. I have been watching my inbox but nothing there. I will keep trying to figure it out. Thank you Linda
Troy Frost left a comment in Missouri Genealogy on Genealogy Wise

To view this activity, go to:

These are the type of messages I am getting but when I click on it, I end up on the home page. Is this link supossed to take me directly to Troy Frost message?
The emails announcing comments will only take you to the group home page. You have to browse through the "Comment Wall" to find it.

The emails announcing replies in the Discussion Forum will give you a direct link to the reply.
I received a notice that Lois Harris left a message for me but I couldn't find it anywhere. I'm new, how do I find these messages. There is nothing in my "inbox".
If you go to the main page for the Missouri Genealogy Group, and scroll down, past these Discussion Forums, you will see the Comment Wall. Lois's comment is there.



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