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Hello researchers of French Canadian ancestors. Does anyone out there know where Christophe Crevier is buried, along with any other Creviers of his vast family? I know he died in Trois Rivieres, and his widow, Jeanne Enard, died in Batiscan. If anyone has any info about this, I would appreciate it very much. Merci Beaucoup! Dan Teitelbaum

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Bonjour! I believe I have found some information on your Christophe Crevier.

"Christope Crevier, Sieur de la Meslee, Sieur de Bellerive, Christophe Crevier-Grenier, during his lifetime had many titles, was born 1611 and baptized in Saint Cande le Jeune, Rouen, France 17 Feb 1611. He was the son of Nicolas Crevier, merchant, baker and bourgeois, baptized on April 19,1581, in Sainte Croix Saint Ouen. He married Anne Baziret around 1607, and they made their home in Saint Cande le Vieil Jeune. On November 27,1617, Nicolas bought a parcel of land from Claude Periet in Saint Pierre du Petit Quevilly. This parcel, with house and garden, was later sold by his widow on March 6, 1630 to Abraham Frement, Royal Scribe in Rouen. Nicolas Crevier died at the age of 45 and was buried on October 15, 1625. His widow died five years later and was buried on March 12, 1631.

Christophe spent his youth in Rouen, and twas here he met Jeanne Evard (Enard), his future wife. They were married in St. Jean Perrot, LaRochelle, Aunis, France, on 6 Nov. 1633--he was twenty-two [22] years old and his bride was fourteen [14]. Since his family had been bakers he no doubt followed this trade in Rouen, where he was swept up with the tales of adventure and fortunes to be made in the new colonies. By 1639, he has traveled with Jeanne and their daughter Marie to Trois-Rivieres, where Christophe earned his living as a baker. Life in the new world was not what they expected and for some reason he and Jeanne with three children returned to La Rochelle, France in 1642, where he became engaged as a trader and merchant. At the same time his family was beginning to grow: another daughter Marguerite was born 1645; our ancestor Nicolas 1646. Christophe and Jeanne witness the signing of a marriage contract in 1647 in La Rochelle. The city was a boiling pot of tales from the colonies, with ships arriving from New France regularly.

The lure of fast money in the trading business was too great for Christpohe and, by 1649, he was back in Quebec. Today he would be called a "frequent flyer," for we find 8th July 1651 he and his wife are back in La Rochelle, France, paying a debt of 42 "Livres" 13 "Sols" to Marie Capin, widow of Martin Poirter. In the fall of 1651, the Jesuits gave them land at Notre-Dame-Des-Anges, New France. The family returned to Trois-Riveres, where on 28 March 1653 the Iroquois Indians attacked his home and killed their oldest son Francois Crevier dit La Meslee.

Christophe had built a block house on the corner of his property as a refuge when the Iroquois would attack. In June 1658 he was working the fields within a rifle shot of the block house when an attack came. Before he could reach the block house he and a soldier were captured. They were carried of to the Mohawk valley but set free in September.

He returned home only to witness another brutal attack by the Iroquois, who this time captured their son Antoine, most likely in 1661. Francois Hertel, who had been taken prisoner that year and later released wrote of the sufferings and tortures endured by captives. An excerpt reads:
'As for the little Antoine de la Maslee [sic] (the name often used by the family), this poor child filled me with compassion, because he had become the servant of these barbarians, and they killed him with knife blows as they hunted him down.'"

In the year 1662 Christophe received a "Seigneurie;" unfortunately, he could not enjoy this for long as he passed away shortly before 16 May 1663.

The more research I do the more amazed I am learning how much our ancestors traveled to go from La Rochelle to new France in the 1660's on a good fast ship was 6 to 8 weeks and could be much longer, we find Christophe and his family commuting many times twice in one year man I get sea sick that must have been quite an experience.

The lives of his sons John and our ancestor Nicolas who married a Marie Louise (Fille du Roi) Leloutre are told in the publication Ancestors James Cummings alias Anthony Moses Genereaux, and will appear in future blogs.

You also might try here:

This is the Library and Archives of Quebec online.
Regardez ici!

"CREVIER / LA MÊLÉ, Christophe 241073

Statut Marié
Date de baptême:17-02-1611; Lieu d'origine: Rouen (St-Cande-le-Jeune) (Seine-Maritime) 76540

Parents: Nicolas et Anne Basiret Métier du père: Maître boulanger; Date de mariage des parents: 05-02-1607; Lieu de mariage des parents: Rouen (St-Cande-le-Jeune) (76540)

Première mention au pays: 1639 Occupation: à l'arrivée Boulanger

Date de mariage: 06-11-1633; Lieu du mariage: Rouen (St-Cande-le-Jeune) Conjoint: Jeanne Évrard

Décès ou inhumation: Après le 01-12-1662

Remarques: Son père est baptisé à Rouen (Ste-Croix-et-St-Ouen) le 19-04-1581. Il est inhumé à Rouen (St-Cande-le-Jeune) le 15-10-1626. Sa mère est inhumée dans la même paroisse le 12-03-1631.

Ses grands-parents paternels sont Hugues Crevier et Hélène Levasseur. Identification DGFQ, p. 292

Chercheur(s) Archange Godbout ; Éric Mardoc Référence RAPQ, 1975, p. 156
After looking through various documents, I have the feeling that Christophe Crevier is probably buried in Trois Rivieres, though I've not been able to find a reference to it.

Good luck with your further searching. I hope I've helped!
According to BMS2000 (on line by vouchers) a Christophe Crevier was buried at St-Michel, Vaudreuil, 1800-08-23, having died the previous day. Hope this is helpful. Robert Douville
According to BMS2000 (on line by vouchers) a Christophe Crevier was buried at St-Michel, Vaudreuil, 1800-08-23, having died the previous day. However, this is much to late for your Crevier who was 17th century. This Cristophe's parents were Jean-Baptiste and Marguerite Lefebvre. BMS2000 does not yield another Christophe Crevier. Was he possibly known by a dit name or was his first name other than Christophe, e.g., Joseph Christophe? Robert Douville
My Christophe Crevier died in the late 1660s, most likely in Trois Rivieres, CA. Thank you, though, for your message. Dan
Tanguay’s Dictionary does not have a burial date. I do not have Jette’s Dictionary so you might want to check there.

Checked google and came up with the following:
Killed about 1664 by the Iroquois -

He died bet. 01 December 1662 and 20 November 1663 in Trois Rivieres, Trois Rivieres County, Quebec, Canada -

Died December 1, 1662 in Trois Rivieres, Quebec, Canada, both sites by the same person -

He died about December 1, 1662 in L'Immaculée-Conception, St-Maurice, Trois-Rivières, Quebec, New France. Since this is in L'Immaculée-Conception, the church, it is probably the date of burial, you will need to look that up, the burial may give the date of death and/or age. -

You can double check at the PRDH -, or order in the church films from your local Family History Center.
Wow, Thank you so much for all of this info. I will investigate it all with a fine toothed comb. Merci mille fois. C'est tres gentil de votre part. Peut-etre que je vais meme trouver un tombeau!!


You're welcome. You are lucky that you can speak & write & read French, I can read it only at a very elementery level.


Regarding tombstones (in fact, after rereading your query, I wondered if you ment the cemetery where your ancestor was buried). He was probably buried in the church cemetery, you would have to write them. However, if memory serves, the plots would be reused and several people may be buried in the same plot, so there may be no marker.


By the way, I do have a French-Canadian Descendants site here on Genealogy Wise. Good luck in your research. Jim.

Thanks again, Jim. I'll consider that. I'd also love to see your site, if you don't mind. Is it accessible through G-wise? Dan
Dan, yes, the group is called "French-Canadian Descendants" and if you click on the GROUPS tab for all, it is presently one of the featured groups, thanks, Jim.



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