Genealogy Wise

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I have been searching for Charles William Vaughan c1890, 
I have his marriage certificate which states he is 30 in 1920 when he married
Violet Pritchard nee Jones, he was a bachelor and she was a widow they married,
They lived in West Bromwich, Staffordshire England.
I was thrown off the scent a bit when I found someone with the same name
in my home town born in 1888! 
but my Grandfather Charles was Irish from County Cork and this man is not!
I have spoken to the ex wife of his son (my uncle) who confirms she was told that my grandad was Irish too.
My father was in the Royal Irish Rifles when in the war, 
I have found his army record stating he was in a stalag pow camp in Brandenburg
I believe he was in this regiment because of his Irish connection because he himself was born in West Bromwich

unfortunately to make matters worse both of these men are named after their own father Charles Vaughan!!!
so now I have a brick wall to conquer

Charles William Vaughan  was the father of Denis Arthur my father 1925,
also Raymond, Hilda, Ethel Vaughan
and the step father to Violets previous children Laura and Leonard Prithcard

I would appreciate some help with Irish records to find him
now that I know for certain that he is not the other man born in 1888

many thanks 

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I got the death certificate today of a Charles William Vaughan born in West Bromwich today
and yes he IS my dad was the informant and he lived at the known family address
just would like to know where the Irish link comes in?
at least now i can start to put some of the Vaughan's branches on my tree
it was getting very one sided
just gotta find em all now!!
Great that you got his death certificate, that helps. Maybe you need to order some more certificates? to put the pieces together. Good luck with your tree now that you have more info to fill in. Your tree is growing!



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