Genealogy Wise

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I have found initial information on family in the book "Venne in America" by Udo Thoener (dec'd). I found possible family in Venne but have received little or no response to inquiries.I am looking for low cost, or free, German national Ancestry sites.

To say the least, I have been frustrated with the lack of response and inforamtion available.I just may not know where to go. I'm looking for information on the surnames of Vallowe and Langenkamp in Venne, Niedersachsen,, Ostercappeln near Onasbruck. any help would be appreciated.

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I located the Vallowe Farm Name from 1892 at Niewedde Nr. 16a (one of three farm communities in the twp of Venne, Kr. Wittlage). The Markkotter farm dates back to 1512 of 14.6 hectares. (h=2.47 acres). The property owner in 1999 was Vallowe at address: Buschortweg 3. In addition to the main house, the 16a property includes a Backhaus and at 16b a Höwwe [sorry, don't know translation] also owned by the Vallowe family in 1999. Address for the Höwwe is Lutterdamm 7. Source: Wohnstätten Kataster or Ladezeit [Land Register] for Broxten, Niewedde, and Vorwalde.

Since Udo Thörner's death, I am not aware of a genealogical source in the town. The website has not been kept up to date nor is anyone available to respond to inquiries apparently. However, Kathy Wurth, owner of Family Tree Tours Heritage Travel returns to Venne every May and with her partner in Germany is able to put you in touch with the genealogy archives for the area.  Please google FTT for her links.

I hope this helps.

Thank you Carolyn. This is wonderful information. You seem to have a real handle on all this and i greatly appreciate your help.When I started to investigate my family I located some in Venne, I heard from them once. They even sent the family pedigree/tree to me.When I tried to contact them again I received no response. I have never been able to figure out why.



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