Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I am trying to find information on my 3rd great grandfather Gideon Harris.  He was supposedly born around 1810 in Kanawha Co VA.  He married Mahala F Lanham on July 8 1835.  She was born around 1816 in Nelson Co VA.  They had at least 11 children.  I am through their daughter Nancy B Harris Martin.  I have all kinds of information about the Lanham family but nothing at all on the Harris family.  I would like to know who his parents are.  I have his family on several census years from 1840 up until 1870.  I also have not been able to find a record of his or Mahala's death.  They were both alive in the 1870 census in Putnam Co WV with their 3 youngest children in the home.  I am just really looking for Gideon's parents and some kind of record of his and his wifes death.

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