Genealogy Wise

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Start by telling us about yourself, your family history, your genealogy interests, and the current focus of your genealogy research.

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I live in Houston but have been all over the place. Have been involved with genealogy research and family history since 1982. Check out my website,
Nothing personal Sherry....
But I'm sure I'll learn to love you and your love of Texas. I'm a displaced native myself and have only been doing genealogy research the past 3 yrs. I enjoyed your website and am jealous about how much apparent time you have to work on it/them.

I webmaster a few myself and barely have time to turn around and spit. Keep up the good work and if I ever get down to Houston again maybe we can meet. Most of My trips are only to the Marble Falls and Austin area.

Here's my site and I don't care who looks!

I noticed you are researching Vaughan. My mother's maiden name is Vaughan. I believe most of her father's family lives in North Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee now. We don't know them well and I haven't done much research for that family but a relative has a lot of research.
I have been doing genealogy research since I was 15 years old. I mainly focus on Upstate New York in Warren and Washington Counties. My desire to learn more about my family was due to spending time in the cemeteries near my home. I found comfort and peace there sitting near the stones of my ancestors. It made me want to know more and how I was related to all the others in the cemetery.

Right now I am planning a research trip back to New York. I can't wait to visit those familiar headstones again. This time I want to photograph them. Hopefully I can get done all I want to do.
Excellent Bio.


I am new to this site but I am searching for family connections as well.  I noticed you are related to some the Clanton family.  I appear to have DNA in common with the Clanton family too.  The families are from North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, etc. These families originated from Great Britain, Ireland, Cameroon/Congo, Nigeria, Ivory Coast/Ghana, Mali, Benin/Togo, Scandinavia, etc.

I hope to hear from you soon.


Hello Everyone! I'm an amateur genealogist located in Minnesota. The primary lines I am researching are Jones / Thomas of Wisconsin and Minnesota and the Osgood / Kell families of Missouri and Minnesota. The Jones and Thomas lines are a big challenge because of the commonality of these surnames.

A couple weeks ago I made a trip over to Cambria, WI to locate the cemetary where my Jones GG Grandfather is buried. Cambria, WI was a popular area for Welsh immigrants to locate in the mid 1800's. My Thwing line is buried in King's Chapel in downtown Boston, MA. One of my Boston Thwing ancestors that is buried at King's Chapel was a baker and introduced Brown Bread to Boston.

I have been involved in family history since about 1995 and operate genealogy websites, two of which are and


My two brothers have done a DNA and the Jones, Morris, Parker, Taylor, MacAlpine, Boon(e),Whitelock, Juenemann surnames have come up within 2 generations.

If any of the Jones family members have done the test, it would be very interesting to know if there is a definite match. Please let me know if this is possible. For that fact, anyone on the Genealogy Wise site posting a DNA would be interesting. Edmondson has 17 spelling variations.

Robert Marion Edmondson b. 6-3-1954 d. 6-12-2010 and Neil Ray Edmondson b. Nov 24, 1950.

Thank you,

Beth Ann Edmondson-Cosselmon


Thanks for the tip. I had never heard of it before.
Hi, My name is Anita I'm from Melbourne Australia, I'm 51 married to Ian who is with me in my profile photo. We have been married 7 years at the end of July, we met on the internet and on our first meeting we spend 5 hours researching some of Ians family line. We both have a strong interest in family research for me my greatest passion is my genealogy, I use it not only for research but as a stress reliever. Once I start a new project I just keep on going sometimes into the wee hours of the morning. Time just disappears as I'm sure anyone who is reading this who has the same love will know. My latest family project has been for a friend who knew that his great grandparents came from England to Australia in 1886 but knew no more. We have now gone back on all lines to late 1700's. I've yet to tell him the full stories of the family line. His great grandfather was a gardener and held some high positions in Cornwall before coming to Australia. What we have found is that it has been a family trade as each member going back have been gardeners all working in some very important roles.

With my own family our greatest find was earlier this year. My great grandfather was a silversmith in Scotland, he had no mark so his work was unable to be identified. We found that his brother and father both had makers marks. From this information we were able to trace 3 pieces of the family silver. I'm proud to say I have those 3 pieces, a salt spoon, teaspoon and a large soup ladle all in very good condition. I could go on and on but I'll save the rest for another time. I'm looking forward to share and learning from others as we find the branches, twigs and the fallen leaves of our family trees.
Check out my page as I add more info about me and my projects.
Hi Anita,

Just thought I would touch base and let you know that I am still waiting for that update you promised me June -July 2006, after I sent you the Payne info dating from late 1700s' to mid 2000

regards, Renata
Hi Renata, glad you touched base again we had computer virus and lost everything ending in getting a new computer. You think you have everything backed up but well something went wrong. lost so much including your data and email address. Have added you as a friend so we can reconnect. I have the Payne info we have all ready in gedcom format for you , can you send yours again please. We have had to re sort out our tree. Lucky my daughter had a copy. Anita.



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