Genealogy Wise

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James P Lalone -Genealogie Fr/Maison Tyrel,(II) Maison des Tyrel:4e branche,les Tyrel de Séchelles

For the past 35 years we/I have been striving, endeavouring to put in place some kind of structures for the Sechelles - Seychelles Communities/Community in EU.

It was very frustrating to hear, listen to those "little Seychellois" from all quarters, condescending.

Hence around 1986/7 the frustration, then President Francois Mitterrand, our nation link with past important communication issues, most important for the Franco Seychellois, like the Franco Mauritian or the Franco Reunionaism, our approach to life, colonial issues and the greater world.

How we went about in our frustration, and what we decided to do - the result, the announcement that in CERN two young scientist a French and British had made the first www connection. We are cutting a very long story short. Our good reason for doing this because we were fed up be they the establishment in France, Fraternal, heraldic, archaic, Church, government, royalty they way they
treated us as if we were some kind of alien. Yet the many nobility from Seychelles, Mauritius and Reunion and the Dauphin among others may very well be buried in Seychelles.

The scripture state "if a man dig in wall scorpions and snakes will bite and kill him" and this is what we did/have done. For the past 35 years researched into very important historic issues about Sechelles, Seychelles, Mauritius, Reunion, Madagascar and Commor as well as India and Far East.

There is the belief that Viscount Moreau des Sechelles gave his name to the Sechelles - Seychelles (anglicised) my researched pointed proved that the Moreau family bought, acquired the Title of Sechelles. The real Title holder origin is the Tyrel des Poix. This have not exactly made us popular in the world among, historians, academicians, leading politicians, archaic and fraternal or Church,
establishment  - institutions.

Given the availability of the web, people can research and access to the libraries of France, our point
have been accepted. The fact remains for the Indian Ocean, Africa, Asia this is of paramount importance. The same family were closely related to William the conqueror and king of England. Not to exclude other individuals of Norman origin who became kings in Europe.

Once again the debacle and argument this set in motion. The French,  from the King Louis 14th to the Emperor the bloody fight over Sechelles - Seychelles, Mauritius and Reunion. To discover the family of; their own William the Norman King family by all legal argument originate the name Sechelles. This cannot be played down in history.

Even if it is other wise  argued. We belong to few nations in the Indian Ocean or around the world to have been fortunate to have the originate of our Nation and people of the Norman Tyrel family and Viscount Moreau. (there is a bloody fued going on)

We have started several project linked to the Community portals  as well as Wikipedia.

Given that we have some body here who is distantly related to the Tyrel family. To request if he would like to join our many community efforts and development in EU.

We have requested Princess Victoria of Sweden and the Greek King, Constantine among other if they would assist, support our endeavours.

Sechelles - Seychelles Community in EU Wikipedia

Sechelles - Seychelles EU Connetion portal.

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