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My Pryor-Peyoe-Prier  and McCreary-McCrary-McCray Family I am related to them all If you no of them please email me back

Elizabeth "Lizzie Barnes/Nevens/Pryor/Prior/Pryoe/McCray/McCrary/McCreary/McCrae)now she was born 1852 in Tennessee or Alabama and she died March 4 1922 in Montgomery County Alabama and her 1st  Hubby name is Daniel Pryor and 2nd Hubby is Fred McCray and her 3rd Hubby name is William Blount McCrary and he was born March 1859-1914 in Huntsville Madison Alabama)

Here are the other siblings that Elizabeth is Related to just to let you no

Joseph McCray 1901-July 2, 1957 in Brooklyn New York,(GrandUnc)

Winnie McCray 1922-1943(GrandAunt)

James McCrary 1866(GrandUnc

Tom Mccray 1874(GrandUnc

Florence Pryor 1877(GrandAunt

Lorn Prior May 1880(GrandAunt

Gussy Prior 1878(GrandAunt

Besty Prior 1856(GrandAunt(Alabama,Troy Pike Alabama)

Willis McCray 1878(Grandunc

Louisa McCray 1835-1898 in Huntsville Madison Alabama and she is the GreatGrandAunt and Black and her Husband name is (Private Isham McCrary born 1830 in Alabama)and Township 3 Range 1 Madison, Alabama) and The kids are

Chinam McCrary born 1852 the Son

Isaac-Isiah McCrary 1861 the Son

Edith McCrary-Irvine 1865 the Daughter

Emma McCrary-CrawFord 1870 Daughter

Ada McCrary 1872 Daughter

Frank McCrary 1874 the Son

Rachael Cabiness 1857 is the wife of Chinam McCrary and her mother name is Nancy Cabiness born 1830 and her daughter name is Lizzie Cabiness 1860a nd Linda Cabiness 1868)

This is Edith McCrary Irvine Hubby name is (Nelson Erskine and his other wife name is Eadie McCrary)

Noe Elizabeth "Lizzie Barnes/Nevens/McCrary/McCray)Her (GreatgrandParents are:George Henry Pryor born 1878 in Alabama and in,Orion Pike Alabama and his wife name is Mattie Alexander-Johnson born Nov  1880 or 1883 in Alabama, Troy Pike Alabama and kids are:

Maggie Pryor 1908

Simon Pryor 1907

George Henry Pryor Jr 1902-1970

Lillie L.Pryor April 1895-Oct 2, 1977

Lizzie Pryor 1905 in Alabama

George Prior May 1880(Head)

Mittie Johnson-A Priar Nov 1880(Wife)

Little Prior April 1895(Daughter)

Sally Prior-March 1880(sister)

Lizzie Peyoe/Pryor born 1905 in Alabama,May 15, 1918)

Mona Pryor Hartfield born Dec 16, 1889 in Alabama and died June 15, 1924 and her parents are:Daniel Pryor 1864 in Alabama and her mother name is :Lizzie Barnes or Elizabeth Barnes,McCrary-McCray-Pryor)

1910 Census of Daniel p.prier 1864 in alabama

Lizzie Prier 1871

Wilmer Prier 1897

Gertrude Prier 1899

Stubert Prier 1901

Roy Prier 1903

Minnie Prier 1905

Bernice Prier 1910

Margaret C.Prior 1913

1900 Census of Daniel Prior 1862(Head)

Lizzie Prior 1869(Wife)

Nonie prior 1886(Dau

Harvey Prior 1888(Son

James Prior 1892(Son

Lena Prior 1890 (Dau

John Prior 1894(son

Wilmer Prior 1897(Son

1920 Census of Lizzie M Prior 1874

Hurbert Prior 1904

Roy Prior 1906

Bernice Prior 1910

Margaret Prior 1913

Elizabeth "Lizzie McCray-Pryor is the mother of Horace Chester McCrary,McCray,Mccrae born Dec 25,1873 in Alabama and he died July 11,1945 in Detroit Michigan and his father name is William Blount McCray/McCreary born March 1859-1914 in Huntsville Madison Alabama and his father name is BluFord McCrary born 1813 in South Carolina and his wife name is Frances Newbause-Burgress-McCrary born Dec 1, 1816 and died Cec 31, 1855 and her first Hubby name is Payton Price Burgress 1810-1892 and her 2nd Hubby name is BluFord McCrary 1813-1891 and her kids are:

Benjamin Franklin McCrary 1837-1922

Sarah Elizabeth McCreary 1841-1934

William Blunt McCreary 1859-July 26,1914

Horace Peyton Burgress 1836-1922 and his wife name is Elizabeth F.Moffett 1828-1904 and the kids are:

Horace Peyton Burgress Jr 1862

Josephine Burgress 1856-1945

Martha Burgress 1868-1890

Malissie Burgress 1863-1958

Winter Burgress 1861-1932)

Just to name a few you can always email me at (

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