Genealogy Wise

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i am seeking information about my great great native american grandmother. her first name was myrtle (or spelled martel?)...i dont know what her maiden last name is, but she married Albert Shelton (african american). she was born about 1887 in arkansas and was living in Shreveport Ward 4, Caddo, Louisiana in 1910. her parents were born in kentucky.

I've attached a photo of her as well as a photo of my family tree. How do I find out more about my native roots?

Thank you for your time and help


ps. based on more research i did, she would have been from one of these counties: faulkner, madison, union, carroll, benton, sevier, yell, washington, scott, sebastian, pulaski, crawford or polk.

Her possible maiden names could have been: smock, rollinson, robinson, duncan, allred, goodwin, johnson, massie, mcride , mcgurr (macguire), roberts, stuckey, alexander, bell, clark, cockran, crofford, fish, hatfield, hunter, morgan, nofire, parter/ *porter* , lyons, perani, pool, pritchet, silvio, blanton, callins, cole, collins, dale, deyman, dole, indian, jackson, jones, laford, selvage, totten, webster or welch

her parents could have been from these counties in Kentucky: JOHNSON, campbell, owsuey, livingston, perry, jefferson, fayette or hickman

also, arkansas consisted of 6 tribes: osage, quapaw, caddo, cherokee, tunica and chickasaw

Kentucky consisted of these 4 tribes: shawnee, chickasaw, yuchi and cherokee.

this leads me to believe that Myrtle and her parents were possibly from the cherokee or chickasaw tribe. Though family stories have always said we have "blackfoot" indian ancestry. Blackfoot are from montana and canada while myrtle was from arkansas and her parents from that doesnt not make sense.

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Join Angela Walton-Raji's page on here. She specializes in African-Native Genealogy. She's sure to give you good tips and leads.
ok. thank you so much
Have you found her with her parents yet? 1900 census? If so what are there names? You might want to search what years they moved most native americans out of KY. Also Blackfoot for sure not.
i have not found her with her parents yet. she was born around 1887, and i've searched the 1900 census in arkansas, louisiana and kentucky and i cannot find any "indian" girl, age appx 13 with her parents. this is leading me to believe maybe she was not full blooded indian. maybe she was listed as a mulatto in the census? But I'm going to hit another block in the road because i don't know her MAIDEN last name. all i know is she had children with Albert Shelton --I have used this site some,as my hunt is similar.
hi steven. you brought up some very interesting points. i will take all of what you said into consideration. i am starting to believe maybe she was not native american? she looks native to me, but you're right, she could have been mixed or white. i have not found marriage record for her and albert. im going to save ur message and refer back to it during my research. thanks for your help.



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