Genealogy Wise

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I have never been able to obtain picture of birth, marriage or death certificate.  the only thing I have obtained is census and ship and boarding info.   Is this really all they have in database?

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No.  They have much, much more in their databases.   Seek and you shall find.   I have found a lot of different kinds of military records, for example.  I found a wedding announcement from my great-great grandparents from the 1880s from a newspaper that had a circulation of less than 500 subscribers, as another example.   You might be looking in states, such as New York, that do not release their records on line.   Some states release a lot more information than others.   But do a "search records" on every person on your tree, try to do that twice a year, and you will be surprised what shows up.  They are constantly adding new records and buying up smaller companies, such as find a grave, and linking up with that information.  DON'T GIVE UP!!!

Make sure that you go to the Search tab at the top of Ancestry and then click on Search All Records. Then scroll to the bottom and click on the state you are researching. That will let you see what databases they have for that place.

Not all vital record certificates are online. So depending on the state and the time period there may be nothing. It's important that if that record is not available that you search for other types of records/documents such as newspapers.

Good luck.

I have to say hats off to

I have been looking for my Great Grandfather Martin Luther Kersteter since 1995

I paid vital records over $100.00 to look ten years  past his birth and death dates ( They never found him )

Guess what !!! had it.

A misspelled first name - It was on his death certificate as Martyn Luther Kersteter.

I now have my GGGrandfather and GGGrandmother --- Kersteter family now  clear back to 1640.

Ancestry  has birth and death certificates and find -a-grave. Maybe you need to check out different spelling.

On my Egli side . Census taker wrote down Agly. They to are now found.

Just thought you would be interested.




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