Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Calling all folk with Cornish interests, there is a need for a Cornwall group on Genealogy Wise. If there is one, I can't find it!!! I have no research there, but getting a question or two that I can't answer.

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Christine, why don't you start your own group. You'd be surprise how fast it would grow!

Hi Ursula, I have already set up enough groups to keep me busy, and I have no real knowledge of, or interests in the county myself. Just trying to help those who have.
Best wishes, Chris.
Hi Christine,

It's good of you to think of others for the Cornwall area. I think someone will start their own group when they arrive on this site. At the moment there isn't very many English counties on here but I think it will grow.....

Hi Ursula,
There is an England Group which gives a good lead and a list of counties that are suported by a Group on GW.

Best wishes Chris



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