Genealogy Wise

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My grandmother was a Thrasher and had several sisters. Her mother was the daughter of Otho D. Grimes 1815-1879 and Mary Ann Hankins Grimes 1831-1886 of Pudacah, KY.

Married to Cicero A Thrasher 12-30-1888 - They had 9 Children.

Ellie Thrasher, B-
Ethyl Thrasher, B-
Evie or Ella Thrasher, 1894-1988
Louie W Thrasher, 1891-1964
Etta Thrasher, 1897-1991
Maudie Thrasher, B-1900-
Lizzie Thrasher, B-1903
Pearlie Thrasher, 1906-1994
Effie Thrasher B-1908

Pearlie was my grandmother. I have no idea where all the sisters went. Married and changed their names. Is anyone there related? One passed away in Manila, Arkansas. I can't find out where she is burried. I believe she was married to a Dennis Miller who I believe passed away before her.
Anyone know of them?

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Sarah Jane Grimes, sister of Julia Grimes was my great grandmother.
Email me

There was a Thrasher Church when I lived in Vinton VA. Don't remember the denomination, but probably named for a family.



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