Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Welcome to the world of Genealogy, which has been my home since 1964

Good Morning to All from the center of beautiful downtown Taft (Lincoln) TN. I live about 300 yards west of our flashing Yellow/Red light at the junction of TSH 110 and Old Railroad Bed Road on TSH 110, better know as Ardmore Highway.

GenealogyWise is almost the best thing since sliced bread:) and powdered eggs :( it has allowed the good and bad to shine and I hope it continues with the growth of GENEALOGY for all................

I belong to a number Groups on GenealogyWise greater than 3 and less than 50 at the present and have started 3 of my own:

STAFA: Smith-Taylor and Allied Families Association; This will be my main site with all my data at some point in the future. I have started plugging at it with the first two PDF files my father and my mother, with many more to follow.

PAICH Surname; As I get time, I will tell you all, of my crowning search of how I literaly found my new bride and the family she never knew for the first 60 years of her life. She is 67 and I am 70.

Bracken County, KY: This is the county and state of my birth and like most pre World War Two rural counties of our great country you could not speak ill of any one or you would be speaking ill of kin.


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OH V G, I hate to say it with our first discussion, but yo are so wrong. You are right is your thoughts, that many folks say that they are in Genealogy "to pass it on to their children" but in reaility, if those folks would speak the truth, they would admit that they are a "Genealholic" as I do and that they work their family history for their own knowledge, gratification, enjoyment and pleasure, with "passing it on" being a distance side effect.

Once you start you will find that the lack of motivation will disapear faster than an ice cube on a city sidewalk at high noon on a 101 degree day. I can remember that day, in early 1966 after returning from an assignment in Germany with the US Army, while at the National Archive in Austin, TX, that I found my grandparents, aunts, uncles and father on the 1920 federal census. That was the day that the hook was set and I have never turned back

As far as not having anyone to share the information with is a pure myth. Once you take that first step, in no time at all you will find and meet more kin that you ever thought you had. A recent family member gained is my boss at work, yes at 70, I still am a full time cicil servant for the Department of the Army.

You can contact me direct if you like. Be HAPPY and BOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the "My Escape" discussion I posted a list of reason Why.
I'll add that it is personally enlightening and cathartic, and that we are all a part of the fabric of our communities. And sooner or later we are all related!

I also recall the joy it brought an older lady when I found distant kin for her; she grew up in an Ohio orphanage and thought she was all alone in the world.
Meanwhile, Personal History (which I have a Group for) is very rewarding.
What a wonderful discussion! Of course, we want to leave knowledge of our heritage for our children. But, genealogical research is so much more than that. Just start and see what you turn up! I don't believe you will be lacking in motivation when you turn up that first important document for your family or a photo of someone you didn't know existed. To me, just seeing my g.grandparents and their children on a census was a thrill.

I wouldn't trade my experiences in my research for anything. Very rewarding.

As for not having anyone to leave it to: any gen soc or library and many other places will accept your research into their holdings if it is well prepared and documented. Then, it will be preserved for anyone who comes along who is connected or interested in your family.
Oh, I so agree!! Once you hit your first AHAH moment, and have the thrill of seeing your grandparents names on the census- you will be hooked and addicted! And you can see from the amount of interest on this new site how we all love to share and hear each others stories, progress, lack of progress, etc. Sometimes someone will mention something and bam- I think, wow I'll try that! It is a great field to find collaborators.
I research descendants of Robert Wesley Taylor and John Smith who do not appear related to one another except by way of their descendants in the incident of my children. Both said they were born in the first decade of the 1800's in Kentucky. The are brick walls. I have often wondered if their families had connections with those Taylor and Smith in Tennessee. I would like to join your STAFA group. Maybe you have tips for researching them.

I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum, I'm 38(as of this July 24th) and I have been researching since 2005. I live in Virginia, but I have no roots here. My roots are in RI(by way of Surrey), and PA(by way of Lancaster, Hesse and Meriontheshire).

I started because my grandmother, now 84 wanted to know her Louisiana/TX roots, and my father, now 63 wanted to know about her grandmother. I am also doing this with my 4th cousin once removed who I've never met, but I love her like a sister. :)

I am doing this also to leave this history which has been worked on by many past generations of my family, and I hope to see it in a form where there are no questions of where we come from, but always little questions that make future generations want to find out about Joshua and Eliza and their 4 children, and those that came after. :)

Thanks for adding a slice of local history.
I've already posted a quote from Rubincam from his "Genealogy for all People" speech.
Keep at it!



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