Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I was surprised when I registered for this group that automatically my photo and my address came up. I did not type in a single letter (except for my email address and password) and there I was in all my glory. I belong to many lists, yahoo, google and otherwise, but I'm curious about the connection. Indeed, big sister is watching ME!

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Hi, Judy,

Funny, I thought the same thing. But then I realized I belong to another group that uses ning sign-in. ( I am not computer savvy, I dont' know how else to explain this.) So I just figured it came from there. Kinda scary though, isn't it?
Are you a member of If you have a profile there, maybe it was imported...don't really know..just an idea.
No, I'm not.
It is Ning, the social network platform GenealogyWise is built on. One of the defects/features/annoyances/conveniences is that it has a tendency to inherit information from other Ning sites when you use the same email address.
Well, I don't know what a ning site is. (Later) I just looked it up and it has four of my "friends" shown. They happen to be people I know from the Weight Watchers website. Hmmmmmmm, the plot thickens. Is WW a ning?
Okay, I found out that it is a sub-group of people I met on WW. We have a walking group that we call the Sensational Sixties. Apparently I joined Ning back some time ago and that's how I connect.



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