Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Federation of Genealogical Societies


Federation of Genealogical Societies

The Federation of Genealogical Societies links the genealogical community by serving the needs of its member societies and providing products and services needed by member societies.

Location: Austin, TX
Members: 50
Latest Activity: May 14, 2012

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Comment by Jacqueline Wilson on January 31, 2010 at 11:17pm
Congratulations! Are you doing anything special at FGS this year?
Comment by George G. Morgan on January 31, 2010 at 10:38pm
The Federation of Genealogical Societies is now a proud sponsor of The Genealogy Guys Podcast!
Comment by Linda Sue Hollingsworth Robbins on September 2, 2009 at 11:32pm
Wednesday was a great day at the Little Rock Genealogical Conference. As a newbie at a "big" conference, I enjoyed everyone's friendliness and expertise in all my classes. Folks were here from all around the country, the farthest I met were from Chautauqua County, New York, Coos Bay, Oregon, Bradenton, Florida, and quite a contingent from Texas (6-10 hour drive). The FGS Luncheon was fun to meet and visit with new friends and the evening event with new news about upcoming collaboration with other companies was welcomed by several hundred participants. Thursday brings more wonderful learning, visiting with the vendors, large blogging session, Arkansas baseball game, and meeting more new friends.
Comment by Linda Sue Hollingsworth Robbins on August 26, 2009 at 7:58pm
I will be there. Let me know if there is a time for the GenealogyWise people to get together, as well as the Facebook people. My plate is full with classes, luccheons, and all, but can make room to meet people face to face..
Comment by Paula Stuart-Warren on August 26, 2009 at 6:26pm
Today is the last day to register online for the 2009 FGS Conference! After today, you will need to register "at the door" -- well, actually in the Rotunda of the Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock. For full details check out and
Comment by Paula Stuart-Warren on August 7, 2009 at 11:04pm
Exciting News about the Federation of Genealogical Societies and Arkansas Genealogical Society Conference Syllabus!
Comment by Paula Stuart-Warren on August 7, 2009 at 10:02am
Check out the FGS Conference News Blog for some recent news and other important info. The conference takes place in just 25 days! It's a place for education, breaking news on genealogy events and products, and networking with others who have roots all over the world. You will leave the conference with insight, friends, and will be more than one step up from others who didn't get the special education from recognized names in the fields of history, genealogy, libraries, and archives. Top lecturers are there to share knowledge, answer your questions, and then there is the Exhibit Hall. You won't be able to browse those aisles without taking out that checkbook or plastic card. It's a chance to see that book or view software or a database live before you purchase. See you in 25 days! Register at
Comment by George G. Morgan on August 4, 2009 at 12:06pm
Open Forum:
Blogging, Social Networking, and Podcasting

Federation of Genealogical Societies 2009 Conference
Wednesday, September 2, 2009 from 5:00-6:00 PM
Statehouse Convention Center, Governor’s Hall IV

The Federation of Genealogical Societies is pleased to host an open forum for everyone interested in meeting, networking, and discussing blogging, social networks, and podcasting. Everyone is invited, beginner to experienced!

Drew Smith, author of the new landmark book, Social Networking for Genealogists (Genealogical Publishing Co., 2009), will kick off the session. He will briefly describe each of the tools and then open the floor to questions and discussion. Drew will be joined by co-facilitators: Jim Ericson and Gena Ortega of, whose services include and Genealogy Wise, the new genealogy social network; and George G. Morgan, blogger and co-host of The Genealogy GuysSM Podcast. In addition, bloggers and podcasters will be invited to attend and share their wealth of knowledge and experience.

Attendees are encouraged to ask questions and get to know one another. Everyone will make new friends and connect with people they’ve perhaps only met online. There will be some surprises as well.

Start your FGS Conference experience by “living social” with other attendees. You won’t be disappointed!
Comment by Paula Stuart-Warren on August 1, 2009 at 12:31pm
August 1 (that is TODAY) is the last day to order a print copy of the syllabus that is in addition to the syllabus on CD that every registrant receives. The cost is $20.00 to add the paper edition. Click on Registration at

Mid August is when the online electronic version of the syllabus will be available for conference registrants. Watch this Conference News Blog for details.

August 26 is the last day to register for the conference online or by mail. It is also the deadline to reserve your spot at the luncheons, banquet, or Night at the Ballpark. There may be only a few tickets for these events that will be available at the conference registration on Tuesday, September 1st.

September 1st is the first day you can visit the FGS/AGS registration booths on the lower level of the Statehouse Convention Center to pick up your name tag, tote bag, CD syllabus (and paper edition if you ordered that), miscellaneous goodies, 20 door prize tickets, and begin the networking. Not pre-registered? No problem. There will be a line for just that task.
Comment by George G. Morgan on July 17, 2009 at 9:21pm
The Federation of Genealogical Societies 2009 Conference will be held in Little Rock, AR, on September 2-5, 2009. Check out the conference website at for details, registration, and the informative conference blog.

Members (49)



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