Genealogy Wise

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does any one have any information on the Tuam Home that was once in Tuam,  it was for unmarried mothers, mothers would have their babies there and to get any information on them after that is very hard, is there any one else who may have been born there or have someone who was born there, i am going back to 1939 & 1942 as i had two relations born there, would love to hear more on this home from other people, thanks.

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Hi Siobhan,

my father-in-law was born there in 1945. We are trying to find his mother and as you can imagine we are having very little luck. I haven't even been able to pin down who ran the home as there seem to be two sisterhoods of nuns in Tuam who are referenced as having run it!
Hi Elizabeth, from my searches the Bon Secours sisters ran it, who do you think ran it?, have you got your mother in laws birth cert-if you know her date of birth have you tried contacting the place where the records from the home are kept? Siobhan.
There seems to be some history of some sort at Lenaboy castle and the Sisters of Mercy. It may be I'm getting confused with the girls school that was there. I think it may have had one of the infamous Magdalen laundries there. I've literally only had the birth certificate this week, my next stop is the records of the home. Do you know where they are kept? I did a few internet searches and came up with nothing. My father - in law was moved on to St Brendan's Home for boys after some period at the children's home and his stories of how they were treated are pretty grim, he was eventually fostered out but came to London at the age of 18 and never kept any contact with anyone from the area. It's good to know that I'm not the only one looking for information.


hi, the records are kept in - Western Area Apoption Committee
West City Certre
Seamus Quirke Rd,
Tel: 091 548430

I am living in County Mayo and because of that the girls in the offices there wanted me to deal with the social workers in county Mayo as i wasnt in Galway-i found out the dates that my dad and aunt left the home but was told there was no record of names as to who took them from the home which i find hard to believe. Are you online now.
I'm sure that they must have had records! My FiL was taken in by the Kiernan's in Miltown, and he remembers having people round to check on his well being. What is interesting is that he says there was a fire at the orphanage and the records were 'lost', how true that is I don't know as he made some pretty nasty remarks about what happened there to do with adoptions where money was changing hands. Have you investigated as to whether they were moved on to another group home?
hi, thats interesting about the fire money changing hands, at the moment i am waiting for the Sisters of Mercy to get back to me as thay are in Galway and also in Sligo, where Sligo comes into it is within the last 2-3 weeks throught the help of a priest in Tuam he found beside my aunts birth cert that she was baptised in Sligo, i contact Sligo get the confirmation cert but no school or no address, contact some schools but no luck-every whery where i get a bit of luck there is a brick wall at the end, have you ever heard of "blueyonder" (e-account),
yes I have my husband has an email account with them.
i found an add-someone was looking for her mother, the information fits the information i have, its a blueyonder account but when i reply it an invalid account-any ideas, i've changed it around and do have a name and have tried looking up and contacting all those people on facebook, can blueyonder be contacted i.e. they may contact her and forward my contact information if she left a wrong address, did you contact Galway,
try her name with a full stop in the middle. I am waiting to contact Galway until next week as we are away from home at the moment and I want to talk to my father in law first about the few bits I know. Blueyonder was taken over by virgin you might try or I'm on the chat now, after working out where it was!
hi, great news, got the cert, might be away from the laptop but will keep checking my messages, Siobhan
i found an add-someone was looking for her mother, the information fits the information i have, its a blueyonder account but when i reply its an invalid account-any ideas, i've changed the address around and do have a name and have looked her up using facebook etc but no luck, can blueyonder be contacted i.e. they mat forward her my contact information if she left a wrong address, did you phone or write to Galway?
fingers crossed, 10 past 4-a friend is collecting the cert for me, will be collecting it from her later,



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