Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Have many of you had the experience of meeting descendants of slave holders or slave holding families?

How was the experience? Was it a comfortable meeting?
Several years ago I had the opportunity to travel with the Reeds from Abbeyville SC back to historic Abbeyville, and the white slave holders met the descendants of the slaves and kind of turned the city out. The elders of the family were given the keys to the city and the white Reids (they spell it differently) welcomed the black Reeds to Abbeyville. You can read about it here: (scroll down to see pictures)

The white Reeds, own a small restaurant, and hung a large sign in the town square welcoming us to Abbeyville.

The experience had been preceded by Melvin Collier, the Reed family historian, already meeting members of the historical society, who later contacted the Reeds that met the family at the town square. You can see some of them waiting the arrival of the family in the photos. It was an amazing experience!

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Hi Lisa,

I have not been in contact with you yet and hope to find out more details. Have you been able to find any distant relatives overseas? That would be very interesting and if possible I'd like to talk to you about that. Thanks

Hi LisaBee,

Yes we did communicate on Thanks again for your help! I'll send you an email message.
Hi Lisa,

So if I can speak with you or M about overseas descendants that might be interesting. Would appreciate your thoughts.



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