I am searching for the following surnames:
Dean, Hayden, Murphy, Pierce, Reynolds, Sims, Webb
The Dean, Pierce and Reynolds families were from Virginia or North Carolina. Not sure what year they arrived or how they actually got to Alabama. They are on the Alabama (Lowndes County) 1866 Census.
Webb family from South Carolina. They are on the Alabama (Lowndes County) 1866 Census.
Wondering about the migration from Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina to Alabama.
Are there still family connections in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia?
Some other related families, Brayboy, Caffey, Gordon, Haynes, Hrobowski, Hulett, Lawrence, Lawson, May, Owens, Stallworth, Surles,
If anyone has info on families with Lowndes County Alabama connections please post the info here.
Sarah Hayden (Haden?) married Henry Pierce.
Robert "Bob" and Sallie Dean had a daughter named Eliza Murphy. Not sure why Eliza had different last name. Eliza's married name is Webb.
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