Juan Segundo Valenzela born abt.1751 Maria Ana Augustina Alcantara abt.1754 born at Alamos, Sonora, Mexico
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Hi, Does anyone have any information on the following. Our Family is Soto,Cota, Valenzuela, Ortega, Carrillo and Redondo from El Fuerte Sinaloa and Los Alamos, Sonora.
My Great Grandmother: Juana Valenzuela b-cerca 1867 last contact was in 1930 Mexican Census.
My Great Grandfather Sostenes Cota b-cerca 1853 El Fuerte, Sin
My Great Grandmother: Teresa Soto b-1853 El Fuerte, Sin
My Mother: Maria Alberta Soto Galvan b-1904 Los Mochis, Sin d-1979
San Juan Capistrano, Ca
My Aunt Guadalupe Manuela Soto Tijerina b-1908 Sinaloa, d-1978 Mc Allen, Texas USA
Uncles: Fermin and Juan Soto (sorry no further info).
According to my DNA Test, my Mothers oldest ancestor in Sonora, Mex
was Rosa Maria or Maria Rosa Monreal Lopez, she and her husband Efegino Ruiz Carrillo established the first Mission in Alta California in San Diego, my Mother is related to almost all the Original Settlers of Alta California, all the Governors under Spanish Rule, Mexican Rule and the first 2 Governors under American Rule were from her family, but I can't locate my Mothers records due
lack of information. Please help me. Thanks Ed
Hi Andy, I'm your 2nd cousin Bob Zipse. I very much enjoyed your research into and reading about our family.
I am not sure what happen to Antonio after he married carmel but there are children there carrying the name still in Bakersfield. he was a vaquero
Your 3rd great grand uncleBirth AUG 1842 in Hermasillo Sonora MexicoDeath 21 APR 1913 in Lemoore Kings Co. Ca Tim is my Great Grand Uncle
Hey Brendy , Yes we are cousins Antonio & Petra are our common G Grandparents......
Your 4th great grandmotherBirth abt 1825 in Hermasillo Sonora MexicoDeath 1862 in San Luis Obispo, California, USA
Hi there cousins that I never met! I am Brendy Painter Martinez, My father is Brent Painter, His mother was Hazel Nicholson, Her mother was Petra Araujo, and Petra's parents were Timoteo Araujo and Altagracia Barba. Tim's parents were Antonio Araujo and Petra Valenzuela. Timoteo was the Oldest son.I have been searching for the other families for a long time now. I have seen your family lines before. I only knew of a few people who were looking for our ancestry.
What I have from the top of my head is, Antonio and Petra were from Hermosillo, Sonora Leaving his wife Petra Valenzuela with his kids in Mexico. Later he Sent them up there I heard it was Salinas California area where they landed first. We thought maybe by ship. Antonio was a Cowboy who rode from bakersfield and back to Salinas area. I am not sure if it was for an event tho. When Petra Valenzuela died and is buried in San Luis Obispo,( which her burial is under the highway) Antonio left to Bakersfield, California marrying a Carmen/l . Antonio is buried in tehachapi, California I believe. Timoteo stayed in San Luis Obispo "Dove township" He lived in an adobe house, with his kids and other Araujo children. He was a postmaster for years then decided to move on to Lemoore, Kings County because one of his daughters married a sheriff/marshall there. His gravestone and his wife's gravestone are there in the old Cemetery. Every year there is a Family reunion in Templeton for the Araujos descendants. My aunt went there once I believe. Do any of you know more stories about the araujo's? I heard of One that three women and a guy come from Spain, to mexico during French Revelutionary War with Maximillano. I guess from a woman I met said there is an very old araujo lady in Sonora mexico, who remembered the story and this story was similar to the araujos in the us as well. Bartholomew's Granddaughter ( he was the youngest son of Antonio and petra) said she thought it was Ourense, Spain.
Our problem is that my Great Grandmother Petra (daughter of Timoteo and Altagracia) Spoke some Basque and on her death bed she said her father was someone else. Somehow "navarro" name was mentioned in the family and he was a Baron. I'am wonder if you guys know if we have Basque blood on the Araujo side and even know of this story.
Juan Segundo Valenzuela & Maria Ana Augustina Alcantara are my 6th great grandparents their son Jose Maximo Simeon Valenzuela and his wife Maria de la Trinidad Garcia Romero are my 5th great grandparents their daughter Petra Valenzuela Araujo and her husband Antonio Araujo are my 4th great grandparents their daughter Maria Acuna Araujo and her husband Manuel Acuna are my 3rd great grandparents their daughter Rosa Acuna and her husband Thomas S Ruff are my 2nd great grandparents ........Guillermo Alcantara and Feliciana Meza Salazar are the parents of MARIA ANA AUGUSTINA ALCANTARA.........Andrés Rámon de Valenzuela and Marie Antonia Aguilar are the parents of Juan Segundo Valenzela ....Anselmo Joseph Ygnacio Garcia-Romero and Ana Gertrudis Victoria Flores are the parents of Maria De La Trinidad Garcia Romero....Felipe Garcia Romero and Maria del Rosario Marquez are the parents of Anselmo Joseph Ygnacio Garcia-Romero....Jose Antonia Garcia and Maria Petrona Romero are the parents of Felipe Garcia Romero,
García y Romero, Felipe (or Felipe Romero), Soldier and Master Blacksmith and Armorer
Ethnic Identity: Mulatto
Origin: Guadalajara, Jalisco
Dates: ca.1746 to 1754 - 1817
Parents: Joseph Antonio García and María Petrona Romero
Wives: María del Rosario Márquez, María de la Luz Briones
1768-1771. Master Blacksmith José Romero was in Baja California. On. Nov.5, 1771 he testified in the investigation of two majordomos at the Mission of Todos Santos who were accused of abusing Indians. His statement revealed that he had been resident in the peninsula for three years and had worked as blacksmith at the mission for one and a half years. He was described as being 25 years old - more or less, a mulatto (pardo), and a bachelor. Being illiterate at the time, his statement was signed for him (P.I.152: 429-439). He was probably resident in Baja California until shortly before his arrival in Alta California in 1774.
March 13, 1774. García y Romero was one of the three blacksmiths who, along with their families, arrived aboard the Santiago with Fr. Serra on this date. He was accompanied by his mother (see Chapter 2, Dept. of San Blas).
1774-1790. García was assigned to the Presidio de San Diego as a master blacksmith and armorer, according to various censuses: March 28, 1775, Jan.10, 1778, Dec.31, 1781, Jan.10, 1788 (identified as blacksmith since 1774), and 1790. The latter census identified him as the armorer, a 36 year old mulatto from Guadalajara, married to Rosalía Márquez, a 25 year old mulatto from Loreto [Baja California], with unnamed children aged 12, 10, and 3 in the household (Temple VII,SBMAL; CA 15: 25-27, Prov.St.Paps. Ben.Mil.II, SBPRL).
June 4, 1775. Phelipe Romero, blacksmith of Guadalajara, served as a godfather at a baptism at Mission San Gabriel.
Nov.4, 1775. García y Romero was the smith assigned to Mission San Diego who escaped the Indian attack on this date (Fuster to Serra, Nov.28, 1775, Serra II: 450).
1774-1776. Petrona García, mother of Felipe Romero, served as godparent to baptisms at San Diego in March 1774 and Dec.l,1776 [There is also a burial entry for Petrona García indicating that she had died prior to the 1775 attack on the mission. Her role as godmother in 1776 indicates she actually died later. It should be remembered that the early registers were destroyed in the attack and that all entries prior to that event were reconstructed from memory].
Nov.7, 1778. Marriage at the Mission of San Diego of Phelipe Romero, native of Guadalajara (son of Joseph Antonio García and María Petrona Romero) and María del Rosario Márquez, native of the Presidio de Loreto (daughter of Sálvador Márquez and María de la Luz). Lorenzo Esparza, carpenter of the presidio, and his wife were witnesses.
Romero and Márquez had twelve children, all born in San Diego, except for the third who was born at San Juan Capistrano.
1.María Catarina de San Antonio. Baptized San Diego Nov.27, 1779. Lorenzo Esparza, presidial carpenter, and his wife were godparents. Married Presidio de San Diego Aug.15, 1793 to Feliciano Rios. Married Mission San Diego July 2, 1816 to Aniceto Zabaleta. Buried San Diego Feb.14, 1827 as the wife of Corp. Anizeto Zabaleta.
2.Anselmo Joseph Ygnacio. Baptized San Diego April 22, 1781. Married Presidio de Santa Bárbara May 19, 1799 to María Gertrudis Flores. Married San Gabriel May 9, 1813 to Luisa Antonia Rubio.
3.Joseph María Basilio. Baptized San Juan Capistrano April 19, 1783. Buried San Diego Oct.3, 1785.
4.María Luisa Bertrán. Baptized San Diego Oct.13, 1787. Married Mission San Diego May 12, 1805 to Sebastián Armas. Buried Mission San Carlos July 17, 1818.
5.María Antonia. Baptized San Diego Oct.13, 1787.
6.José Antonio Estevan. Baptized San Diego Oct.27, 1791. Married ? to Serafina Rosas [grandaughter of mason Basilio Rosas, see 1805 baptism at San Juan Capistrano]. Married ? to María Guadalupe Uribes (see 1814 baptism at San Gabriel).
7.María Josefa Ricarda. Baptized San Diego July 14, 1793. Buried San Diego Dec.6, 1797.
8.María Antonia Antera. Baptized San Diego Jan.3, 1796. Married Mission San Diego Oct.4, 1812 to Anastacio Leyba. Married ? to Miguel Verdugo [baptism of a daughter at San Diego July 11, 1833. I am assuming that the María Antonia who was born in 1787 died in childhood].
9.Eugenio María. Baptized San Diego Nov.16, 1797.
10.María del Carmen. Baptized Mission San Diego Feb.24, 1800. Married Mission San Carlos April 11, 1833 to Fabián Barreto. Married Mission San Carlos May 12, 1844 to Juan Madariaga.
11.Domingo Teodoro de los Reyes. Baptized Mission San Diego Jan.6, 1803.
12.María Ramona. Baptized Mission San Diego Sept.27, 1805. Married Mission San Francisco Feb.11, 1822 to Gregorio Briones.
1781-1801. García Romero, Márquez and/or their children served as godparents to baptisms conducted at San Diego: Dec.26, 1781; Feb.23,1782; Nov.23, 1783; May 28, 1786; June 3, 1787; April 3, June 24, 1790; Aug.12, 1792; Sept.25, 1794; Dec.15, Dec.26, 1796; Jan.15, April 1, May 21, Dec.24, 1797; Aug.23, 1801. On Oct.28, 1796 Felipe García himself baptized a child in danger of dying (San Diego baptisms).
May 21, 1789. Felipe García, serving as a godfather at Mission San Gabriel, was identified as a "neighbor and settler in the pueblo [de Los Angeles]."
1789-1802. García Romero and/or Márquez served as witnesses to marriages performed at Mission San Diego: May 10, 1789; May 20, 1792; Oct.19, 1802.
1802. Felipe Romero and the carpenter Salvador Béjar were engaged in the manufacture pipes to bring drinking water to Point Guijarros. Romero also repaired the broken collar of the ferrule of a flagstaff. He signed the document attesting to his work (P.I.16, Exp.19: 458-475).
Dec.20, 1804. In compliance with an order from the viceroy, Lt. Don Manuel Rodríguez, Commandant of the Presidio de San Diego, with a sargeant, a corporal, and the soldiers Felipe Romero, blacksmith, and Salvador Béjar, carpenter, burned the old boat that had been used to supply the garrison at Point Guijarros in order to salvage the iron from it. Romero signed his name to the document, attesting to its accomplishment (P.I.17: 1-54).
Dec.18, 1813. Burial at San Diego of María del Rosario Márquez, wife of Felipe García Romero.
1815. Probably married during this year to María de la Luz Briones. Since she was native to San Carlos, the marriage may have taken place in Monterey.
1815-1816. In response to a request by Commandant De la Guerra that the San Fernando smiths manufacture lance heads for the Presidio de Santa Bárbara, Fr. Muños wrote that his Indians had not the skill for the job, but if the governor would send either one of the master blacksmiths Felipe [Romero] or [Rafael] Arriola to oversee the work, he would provide four aides (Nov.12 and Nov.19, 1815, De la Guerra 695, SBMAL). Whether either one was sent to San Fernando we do not know, but Arriola was at Santa Bárbara for the same purpose in Jan.1816. At apparently the same time and for the same purpose Romero was sent to La Purísima where the name of the "Master Blacksmith Felipe Romero, retired from San Diego" was opened in an account book among other entries bearing an 1816 date (Account Book of La Purísima 1806-1834: 101, SBMAL). Therefore, it seems most likely that the order for new lance heads went out to all the missions within the jurisdiction of the Santa Bárbara Presidio.
Jan.4, 1816. Baptism at San Carlos of María Isidora, daughter of García and Briones (María Isidora was married at Mission San Carlos July 4, 1831 to Juan Rosales).
March 17, 1817. Burial at San Carlos of "Felípe Romero García, Master Blacksmith of Guadalajara, one of the first conquerors of this province," and widower of Rosario Márquez and husband of María de la Luz Briones.
Note: García y Romero's first wife María del Rosario Márquez was probably the daughter of the master shipwright of the maestranza at Loreto Salvador Márquez (CA 80: 441-444).
Felipe García Romero can easily be confused with Felipe Santiago García, particularly since they were frequently in the same part of the province simultaneously. The latter was married to Petra Alcántara Lugo. It is likely that the smith was frequently known by his mother's name to distinguish him from the other Felipe García.
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