Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Arkansas Roots--born in Egypt, school in Cash and Walnut Ridge High '65

My sister, who is still in Arkansas and I (transplanted in SF, CA after a couple of years in the military) have been researching our Lamb family which is descended from William and Mary See (C, Seay) Lamb.  

We are unable to locate our GrGrandparents, John and Elizbeth Lamb after approx 1880 census in Greene County, Arkansas.  They, along with two siblings of our grandfather, seems to have dropped off the face of the earth.

Grandfather Tilden Hendrix Lamb married Emily Henrietta Manning.  They lived and died in and around Greene & Lawrence Counties. 

We are in contact with both Lamb & Manning researchers as will as many other surnames.  


Hoping to find other people connected/researching these surnames.


Glenda Lamb Samson


Views: 165

Replies to This Discussion

I saw in a different post you were looking for Joe Riley and Sarah Jane Watkins.  Let me know what info you want and how your related.  I have some info that might help.

James taylor

James Taylor

Thanks for responding..Please email me at

The file from my sister indicates that this would me my great grandparents.

Thank you for your contacting me and will wait for you to get back to me

Also, thanks for your time in advance.




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