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Offers of Help by SKAS (Some Kind Aussie Souls) Please do not post requests to this discussion

Please use this discussion forum to leave details of lookups, cemetery checks and photos that you are happy to do for group members.

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Sandra Francis previously posted this to the group:
Hi Everyone,
If anyone needs a hand in Ozzie research, I've got 20 yrs experience, and all the BDM's for Australia
HI SANDRA. Its JENNIFER here and I am requesting some help please. We are trying to find a cousin of my husbands. Her name is JUDITH/ M.N /DAWSON. Her father was John{Jack} Francis Dawson,B1918 N.S.W.D D1958 Wst. Melb. Vic.1958. Mother was Marie Thompson ??? aged ???. Judith Anne was 16yo at time of Jacks death, so may be1942? We also have from D.C that he was Electrical Engineer but Labourer when he died.We have Warburton mentioned and also address of Victoria St. STH MELBOURNE. He was born in DUBBO but moved to Victoria at an early age. Jack is burried at Fawkner and as the family split with the tragity we do not know what happened to wife Marie or daughter Judith possibly in 60's now. Hope this is not too bigger ask and qualifies for help seeing the person may still be living.We can only hope. We will wait with anticipation. Sincerely BOB & JENNY DAWSON. P.S we are in BRISSIE.
Hi Jennifer,
Don't know if I can trace a living person, possibly in Victoria. Birth records only go to 1920 in Vict.
I did manage to find some other info for you though.
In regards to Judith, you may have to ask someone in Vict. or run an ad in the Vict papers......
Sorry I can't be of more help.

Digger - Death Index. Victoria 1921-1985
Surname : dawson (1292 matches)
Given Names : j* (311797 matches)
Year : 1958 (24009 matches)
Total matching records: 3

Surname: DAWSON
Given Names: Francis John
Father: Francis Henr
Mother: Mary BOYLE
Death Place: MELB
Age: 39
Age Code:
Year: 1958
Reg Number: 11110
Event: D

Digger - Marriage Index. Victoria 1921-1942
Family Name : dawson (644 matches)
Total matching records: 644
Family Name: DAWSON
Given Name: Francis John
Spouse Family Name: THOMPSON
Spouse Given Name: Marie Therese
Registration Year: 1940
Registration Number: 13783
Re-registration Year:
Event Year:
Registration Type:
Event: M

These next two are possibles for her mother's birth.....
Digger - Great War Index. Victoria 1914-1920
Surname : thom*son (2697 matches)
Total matching records: 2697
Given Names: Mary Therese
Event: B
Spouse Surname/Father: Chas Mostyn Henry
Spouse Gvn Names/Mother: Eileen Maud CLEARY
Age Code:
Birth Place: EWICK
Death Place:
Year: 1920
Reg. Number: 11841

Digger - Great War Index. Victoria 1914-1920
Surname : thom*son (2697 matches)
Total matching records: 2697
Given Names: Mary Theresa
Event: B
Spouse Surname/Father:
Spouse Gvn Names/Mother: Mary THOMPSON
Age Code:
Birth Place: CARL M
Death Place:
Year: 1918
Reg. Number: 1589
Hi Sandra,

I was wondering if you could help me find a birth - I'm looking for the birth of WILLIAM ALFRED PARKINSON in Sydney in 1852.

LDS has given me these details but no more, and I'd love to find his parents. I know quite a bit about his later life, but he is the only branch of my Australian family that I cannot trace to arrival here.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Hi Lewis,

Can you tell me a bit about his later life, so I know that I have the right person when I find him.
ie: married to and where died

Could this be the one??

Digger - Pioneer Index. Victoria 1836-1888
Surname : parkinson (526 matches)
Total matching records: 526
Given Names: William Alfred
Event: M
Spouse Surname/Father: HARRIS
Spouse Gvn Names/Mother: Mary Elizabeth
Sex: M
Birth Place: SYDNEY
Death Place:
Year: 1876
Reg Number: 3740
Hi Sandra,

Sorry I haven't replied sooner. Thankyou for looking into him.

Yes, that is definitely him.

From what I understand he was married to MARY ELIZABETH HARRIS in Colac, Victoria in 1876.

He worked in the Newspaper Business - for the Argus in Melbourne, and also for Mary's father ROBERT HARRIS in Launceston.

Eventually they moved to Hawera, in the South Island New Zealand where he ran his own newspaper called the Hawera Star.

Sydney, 1852 is the only birth detail i have, though, and anything that can shed light on his earlier years would be wonderful.

Hello again Lewis,

He is a hard person to find. All his info from New Zealand was easy to find, but not his birth details.

I'll dig a bit further and ee what I turn up for you.


pt 2:

Had another look at the Pioneer Indexes for NSW 1788-1888
There were only 2 that were close:

Parkinson Parkinson
William W William A
1851 1868
Frederick William
Agnes Mary A
Presbyterian Wesleyan Metodist
Sydney, St Andrews Scot's Church Grafton
vol ref: V18516978 45C V1868697 160

Sorry couldn't be of more help
Thanks for your digging Sandra.

The formatting is a little unclear on the board as I see it.

Is the first record William W son of Frederick and Agnes, born 1851 Presbyterian in Sydney, St Andrews?

I thought there was a chance he could be perhaps an elder brother, who dying early led to the naming of my William A in 1852. It's only a guess, but at least it's an avenue to pursue.

yes sorry about the format........tried to put them side by side, but when i saved it, this was how it came out.
Glenda James Posted this offer of help:

Hi everyone, l also have bdm's.aust vital's heaps of cemetery disc's plus lot's for o/s. Only to happy to help out.I am in Deniliquin ,any pic's required can do. Great to see everyone jumping in to help each other. l have just had a brickwall start to tumble with help from the English list. Nice to see we all have the same infection :-))
Happy hunting
John Clifford Shorten has also volunteered to help:

Hello Everyone
I along with Sandra, Have access to VIC, NSW, QLD, SA, WA and TAS BDM indexes.
I love to help people with brick walls! They can be broken down with someone else looking at your Wall.
Love to help. I have the disease! I am at Yarrawonga on the murray



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