Genealogy Wise

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Looking for any info on Joseph Baldwin b. 1769 (possibly in Pennsylvania) d. 12 Sep 1845 in Indiana.
Married Sarah . Children: Elias Clark b.1792 d. Jan 1842 Indiana
Jane b. 29 Apr 1794 d. 26 May 1814
Ann b. 1796 d. 1850
Elizabeth b. 1798 d. ?
Susan b. 1805 d. ?
Catherine b. 16 Mar 1808 d. ?
Mary b. 1809 d. ?
I have conflicting info about where Joseph and children were born. I found them in Pennsylvania but another researcher said they were born in Ohio. I am trying to establish which is correct. Any info would be great.

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Nancy, your Joseph Baldwin is one of four probable brothers--Joseph, Elias, William A., and Thomas--whose genealogies are the subject of a newsletter published three times a year by Marti Swanson, cygnetnest( at) There is documentary evidence that William and Thomas were brothers, and Joseph and Elias made parallel moves with them to the same areas in Ohio and Indiana. DNA confirms the close biological relationship of all four.

The Pennsylvania birth information for both Joseph and his son Elias Clark was provided by the late Jack Leon Baldwin of Long Beach CA, but without documentation. I believe the earliest record for this line is Elias Clark's 1817 Ohio marriage. A birthplace for Joseph's probable brother Elias is similarly not documented. 1850 Census listings for children of William and Thomas, youngest of the four, list Pennsyvania as their fathers' birth place. Pennsylvania births for Joseph and Elias may have been inferred because they were older than William and Thomas, who are recorded as born there.

In our Baldwin DNA Project results table at
the BAL 6 line is descended from Joseph. The other three lines, all closely enough matched for their progenitors to be brothers, are represented by BAL 11, 12, 22, 25 and 63.

The DNA results are consistent with them being brothers, and probably descended from one of the three Oxfordshire Baldwin brothers who settled in Chester County PA in 1682--most likely from the immigrant Thomas, whose line is represented by BAL 45.

My email address: donndevine (at)
Hi Donn,
Just read your email. How are you related to the Baldwin's? I do get Marti's Baldwin Newsletter. I found info on Joseph Baldwin b. abt 1769 in Fayette County Pennsylvania married Sarah and their children all born in Brownsville, Fayette Co Pa. from an entry from a LDS Persons named Greg Baldwin and a women named Lorana Harrison. I also have a copy of a will for Joseph dated 30 July 1845 in Fayette County Indiana. It lists his children and it matches to what the LDS people entered. I still need to find for myself actual records of births, marriages & deaths. I wonder if Jack Leon had the correct info about Joseph being born in Ohio and when Joseph actually moved there. I know that according to their info Elias Clark, their son and Charlotte Davis were married 10 Apr 1817 in Butler, Ohio. Their daughter Jane married 26 May 1814 Butler Ohio, their daughter Ann married about 1814 in Pennsylvania, their daughter Mary was also married 17 Feb 1824 in Butler, Ohio, but their daughter Catherine was married about 1826 in Pennsylvania. I ran out of time the last time I was in Salt Lake this past February so haven't been able to prove any of it yet.



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