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Barnetts: Scotland>Ireland 1600s> to VA 1700s> to KY late 1700s then IL 1830s - others to other states

Alexander Barnett b. 1754 VA d. 1826 Bourbon Co., KY
believed to be the son of Robert b. 1725-30 and Mary Montgomery. Mary moved from VA to Madison Co., KY in 1787 after Robert's death.
They had family in Ohio & Madison Counties that I know of. Some of them went to MO, IN, TX.
Alexander's son, John I. b. 1780 married Sally Kenney and bought property for his sons in DeWitt Co., Illinois.
It is believed that Alexander's father John left Ireland for PA and VA. abt 1730.
Other family members: Alexander b, 1745 VA d. 1817 Ohio Co., KY, & his brother Joseph, founders of Barnett's Station in Ohio Co. after the Rev War.
Robert Barnett b. 1701 in Ireland, James b. 1703, John b, 1705, Joseph b. 1708 & Mary b. 1710, and numerous Madison and Ohio Co. Barnetts. Allied names: Montgomery, Kenney, Bell, Hawkins, Hall, Moran, Frame, Roan & Vance to name a few.

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Hi Ila. Sue and I met because of Barnett genealogy and she has been a great help and friend to me. However, her Barnetts are not the same as ours - maybe way back. Her Barnetts settled in DeWitt County, IL which is north central IL. I believe. Her Barnetts were even at Boonesborough with Daniel Boone! Maybe ours were too and we just don't know it yet! Laurie


Hi Susan~


Robert Barnett b. 1701 is my 6G GF.


My maternal grandmother was Alice BARNETT 1866 ~> Wayland BARNETT 1862 ~> James Newton BARNETT bn 1833 Ohio Co, KY ~> William H. BARNETT 1798 Harrodsburg, KY ~> David BARNETT 1759 Rutherford Co, NC ~> Byram M. BARNETT 1740 Amherst Co, VA ~> Robert Barnett b. 1701 Ireland.


I live just down the Mother Lode from you.



Hi Don - it's good to hear from you.   I sent a message to you on one of the boards a while back.  I was wondering if you were related to Reverand Rose, who left land to one of the Roberts in his will, because Robert had been working it.  I descend from Alexander Barnett born 1754 in Virginia and died 1826 in Bourbon Co., Kentucky.

His sister Jane married Alexander Barnett born 1745 and died in Ohio County 1819, son of Robert b. 1701 

It is thought that my Alexander's father was Robert born 1725-31, believed to be the son of James born 1703, brother to your Robert born 1701.  So far we have been unable to locate James' will.  I have the will of Robert born 1725-31 and his wife Mary who relocated to Madison County after his death in 1787.  They name Alexander as their son, and myself as well as other researchers can't place him in another family during that time period.

My line is: Alexander, John I. Barnett born either VA or TN 1780, Alexander L. Barnett born 1810 Bourbon Co., KY, John A. Barnett born 1845 DeWitt Co., Illinois, John Hutchin Barnett born 1877 DeWitt Co., IL, John Alexander Barnett born 1921 Teton Co., Montana, my father.

I recently found out that my brother's DNA matches the Barnett/Spratt/Jack line in NC.  One of my distant cousins and I are working on finding the connection.

What a small world.  I am in touch with a descendant of John I. Barnett's wife, Sally Kenney.  One of her ancestors moved here for the gold rush and appears in the census for El Dorado County in 1850 and is buried in Placerville.

Thank you for contacting me.


Hi Susan~


I visited Ohio County, KY on a research trip several years ago & I kept running into Alexander & his branch there.  I always wondered if & how close Alexander was to my clan.  I was happy to find that Alexander 1745 was my 5th g grand uncle.  With your permission I will build your Alexander 1754 into my database.  





Hi Don - sure, put him in!   I didn't have time to go to Ohio Co., but the Bourbon and Madsion Co area was so beautiful.  My Alexander is buried on the old family farm outside of Paris, KY.  It is now a horse breeding farm.  My distant cousin and I requested to see the cemetery and ended up having a great tour for over an hour - it is about 2000 acres.  Alexander owned one half, and James Kenney the other.

Mr. Kenny's daughter, Sally, married Alexander's son John.  There is another descendant of your line here in CA.  He sent me some pictures of the family as well as a letter written to your Alex.'s wife after his death.   Her name was Jane, the daughter of Robert Barnett and Mary Montgomery.



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