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Sandy, Who are your Edwards relatives ? My benidicts and Slawsons tie in to  Johnathan Edwards"The Great Awakining" and Aaron Burr,the Pierponts and Hookers. Bev

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I don't have many Edwards on my charts yet. So far they are all in Boyle County, Kentucky. The earliest ancestor I have is Lewis Edwards born 17 Feb 1774 in Virginia. Died 1837 in Gravel Switch Kentucky. He was married to Mariah Hindman Brutes in Washington Co, Ky.
I bought a book at the Forkland Community Center in Boyle County, that is full of Edwards who lived in this area. The book begins with Lewis Edwards, and is about his descendants.
If Lewis turned up in your research, let me know, I would love to expand the research.
My Edwards and Benedicts tie through Alice Denton who married William Isaac (Ike) Johnson, both of Boyle County Ky. Alice's mother was Mary Frances Benedict, and Ike's mother was Katherine (Kitty) Edwards, both also from Boyle County, Ky. This line of Edwards is descended from Lucey Shipley, grandmother of Abraham Lincoln. Abe was decended from Lucey through her first husband, our Edwards were descended from Lucey through her second husband.



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