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A place to list the brick walls in your Cole family (and other surname variations) research.

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My brick wall is Charles Cole b ca 1761. He shows up in Grayson County, VA in 1793 in some tax roles. He married Elizabeth Stoneman in 1795 in Grayson County, VA. Don't know where he came from or don't know any ancestors. I have lots and lots of descendants.

My gg grandfather David Cole is from Grayson. It is surmised that David is the s/o Charles Cole Jr. b ca 1806, who was the s/o the above Charles Cole. Charles Jr. married Elizabeth Haga in Grayson County, VA - 4 Mar 1830. David was born on
15 Dec 1830. The info from David's descendants are pretty much accurate.

A Cole cousin who lives on the land the belonged to the original Coles, said that Charles and Susanna came across the ocean. He also said that the first Cole in Flatridge traded a jersey cow and shotgun for the 344 acres that these Coles settled on. The Cole cemetery is on my cousin's land and my David is buried there along with his family. Don't know where the Charles are buried. There are graves marked in the cemetery with rocks and slate, so they may be buried there.
My third great-grandfather is Joshua Cole, who is Charles Cole, Jr's brother. I can't get beyond Charles Cole, Sr. either. I show his birthplace as New England, but have no idea where that comes from any more. I did much of my original research pre-computer (over 16 years ago) and need to find my paper files.

Where is the Cole Cemetery that you reference? Most of my Coles ended up in Ashe and Watauga County, NC. Nice to find you, cousin!
I have tried to connect Charles to the New England Coles, but haven't been able to find the connection.
The cemetery is on private land on Flatridge Road in Grayson County, VA. My gg grandparents David M Cole and Manerva Parks Cole are buried there. The man that that owns the property is a Cole descendant. (I don't even know if he is still living?) He told me that the first Coles In Grayson, came from across the ocean, but he has a Charles and Nancy (I think it is Nancy, those records are pack away.) He also told me that the first Coles in Grayson, traded a shotgun and a jersey cow for 340 acres. He pointed out that the land across the road from his house was also Cole land at one time. I need to get back to Grayson County and find out about that land. I have a website at

The first one has more info than the second. The second one concentrates on my immediate line. If you have any info that is different, let me know. Also if any of mine is incorrect, or if you have any info that I don't have, Let me know.

You can email me privately at and we can exchange info. I have lots of notes on Charles Sr with info that I have gotten from others and through my own research. A lot of it has not been proven.
Thanks! Wanted you to know I just emailed you privately, so check your spam filter if you don't see an email entitled "Coles" in your inbox soon. Looking forward to connecting!
Seeking parents of Daniel T Cole born 1830 in Missouri, married Delphinia Smith in Bollinger County. They are the parents of Naomi (Neoma) Jane Cole Looney, married to Benjamin Franklin Looney. Her name is listed on one census as Leona. Daniel is with his wife in 1860, missing in 1870, but Delphinia and all the children are listed on the census, including a 5 month old son. By 1880 Delphinia is listed as a widow. I can find no record of a death of Daniel T Cole. Delphenia is buried in Bollinger County. Most of the children of Daniel and Delphinia are buried in Bollinger County, where did Daniel go? The only possibily is a Daniel Taylor Cole born in St Louis MO in 1830, but he would have had a child in Benton County MO born at the time of the birth of the first child of Delphinia and Daniel. He would have also had a child by a wife in Idaho born the same year as the last child of Delphinia and Daniel in Bollinger County MO.

Any help with a Daniel T Cole born 1830 in Missouri would be appreciated.

Sandra Fann
I just connected to a person who broke through a big brick wall that has been plaguing me for years! It's just great to find someone who has the information you need! In the process I now have a new line of people related to a Cole in my family. What a find! It so nice to connect with someone who will share their information with you. I'm delerious! I still have my old other brick wall of a John Cole to conquer though. Just thought I'd share that news with this group.
Wow Stephanie that is terrific!! We should all be as fortunate!
Lisa, thanks!

I have met the most wonderful man who turns out to be a fourth cousin of mine and has all sorts of information about families directly related to my Coles. He has send me all kinds of stuff so far and he has all kinds of sources for his information. This guy has all kinds of genealogy certificates and knows his stuff. I never thought I'd be so lucky in a million years!

It is strange how it all happened as I had posted something in response to an old post on and forgot all about it as his original post was in 2000 and mine was in 2007. Never thought I'd ever hear anything. Turns out the question I had asked he had the answer to in original death certifcates that definitely was a fit and the answer to my brick wall. He's such a nice person to and I was able to give him a lot information he wanted re/the Coles family and beyond. It's been a wonderful experinece and hope I can have him for a cousin forever! I wish anyone who now faces that invevitable brick wall would be so fortunate.

Thanks for writing.




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