Does anyone know much about this unit or have an ancestor in it? It used two light cannon from the defunct Texas Republic Navy and helped capture "The Star in the West". My Galveston and Mobile ancestor, Lt. Edward Malone, Sr, CSA, served in it under his bother-in-law, Maj. Henry van Buren. Malone was later a Capt. of company "C", 24th Alabama Infantry. Born Mobile 1821, he never fully recovered from twice being wounded and died Galveston 1867 and is buried there at Trinity Episcopal Church. Seek his Mobile and Galveston obituaries. He and brother 2nd Lt. Thomas Malone, Sr., CSA, had been Alabama privates in the Mexican War. Their father Thomas Malone, Sr., in 1805 was U.S. Land Office agent, U.S. Magistrate, and Asst. U.S. Indian agent, Ft. St. Stephens, Alabama, and with Capt. Edm. Pendleton Gains, arrested Aaron Burr and escorted Burr to trial, Richmond, Va. Henry van Buren and Capt. Malone wed daughters of 1815 Mobile, 3rd U.S. Infantry, Col. Gilbert Christian Russell, Sr., for whom Russell County, Alabama, is named. Where is Maj. van Buren buried? Jim Miller, Southport, N.C. P.S. Can anyone identify Malone's sword, likely purchased Galveston or Mobile?