Drysdale Extracts from "Edinburgh Academy register [1824-1914] a record of all those who have entered the school since its foundation in 1824"
- DRYSDALE, Charles R., 1836-42. CI. 1-6. s. of Sir William Drysdale, W.S., of Pittcuehar, a Lord Provost of Edin. ; Mitchell Medal, 1842.
- DRYSDALE, Andrew Knox, CI. 1, 2. b. 1832 ; s. of Drysdale, Hart Street. Surg. 79th Ft. (Cameron Highs.) ; Ass. Surg. 1854 ; Surg. 1864 ; served in Eastern campaign, 1854-5, including battles of Alma and Balaclava and siege of Sebastopol (medal and three clasps and Turkish medal) ; served in Indian campaign of 1858-9, including siege and capture of Lucknow (medal and clasp) ; d. 1869.
- DRYSDALE, William, 1848-53. CI. 2-6. b. March 1838 ; s. of John Drysdale of Kilrie, Sheriff Clerk of Lanarkshire. Of Kilrie ; Dep. Sheriff Clerk, Glasg. ; he then farmed his father's estate of Kilrie and several adjoining farms, also sheep farm of Balmaha on D. of Montrose's Loch Lomond estate ; in 1884 he went to Australia as Insp. of Stations for the Australian Mortgage Land and Finance Co., and was afterwards made Man. ; on retiring from that position he was appointed Man. of the Australian Estates Co., and held that position until his death ; m. Georgina Begbie Gibson, Woolmet ; d. 17 Dec. 1902.
- DRYSDALE, Robert Carstairs, 1850-3. CI. 1-3. b. 1840 ; s. of John Drysdale, 10 South Charlotte Street. Col. R.A.; Lt. 1857; Capt. 1868; Maj. 1877; Lt.-Col. 1884; Col. 1888; ret. 1890; d. 16 Jan. 1904.
- DRYSDALE, James St. Clair, 1853-6. CI. 1-3. b. 1843 ; Miss Drysdale, 9 Hope Street (Guardian). Ensign 93rd Highs, 1860 ; d. 1862.
- DRYSDALE, Arthur P., 1866-9. CI. 1-3. s. of John Drysdale, Demerara.
- DRYSDALE, Andrew Learmont, 1868- 72. CI. 1-L.M. b. 5 May 1856; s. of Andrew Drysdale, Builder, Edin. In oifice of Moncrieff and Gillies-Smith, C.A., Edin., and training in farming and estate management in Rosebery Estates Office ; Ass. Factor on the Rosebery estates ; Factor on the Murthly estates of Sir Douglas Stewart, Bart., Perthshire; nineteen yrs. Factor and Comr. on the E. of Rosebery's Scottish estates; J. P. Co. of LinHthgow; Insp. for the Bd. of Agriculture. Publica- tion: Profits from Land (19 14). Address: 22 Braid Crescent, Edin.
- DRYSDALE, Carstairs, 1826-7. CI. 5. b. 1814 ; George Carstairs, Leith (Guardian).
- DRYSDALE, Adolphus Sceales, 1824-9. CI. 1-5. b. 31 March 1816; s. of John Drysdale of Viewfield, Lasswade, Merchant in China ; d. 1844.
- DRYSDALE, Alexander, 1824-9. CI. 1-5. b. 31 March 1814; s. of John Drysdale of Viewficld, Lasswade.
- DRYSDALE, John James, 1826-30. CI. 2-5. b. 29 Nov. 1816; s. of Sir William Drysdale, W.S., of Pitteuchar, Lord Provost of Edin. M.D. and L.R.C.S.E. 1838; Homeo- pathic Doctor, Liverpool ; m. (i) Mary Boyd ; (2) Emily North ; d. 20 Aug. 1892.
- DRYSDALE, Thomas, 1826-9, CI. 2-4. b. 1817 ; s. of Sir William Drysdale, W.S., of Pitteuchar, Lord Provost of Edin. Planter in Timor
- DRYSDALE, George, 1834-41. Cl. 1-7. b. 1826 ; s. of Sir William Drysdale, W.S., of Pitteuehar, Lord Provost of Edin., 8 Royal Circus ; Dux of Cl. 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, and 6 and of the whole School, 1841 ; best in Math. (Silver Medal) and French, 1841. Edin. Univ., M.D. 1855; T.C.D. ; gen. med. pract.. Lend.; d. 1904.