Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Estep Esteppe Eastep Surnames


Estep Esteppe Eastep Surnames

This is for anyone researching the last names ESTEP, ESTEPPE, EASTEP or variations of the name.

Members: 2
Latest Activity: Jul 23, 2009

Esteppe Estep Eastep or Variations

This group is for the discussion and sharing of information regarding the genealogy and history of ancestors with the last name of Estep, Eastep, Esteppe.

If you want to start a discussion on an individual to seek help, click on Start Discussion.
If you are interested in starting a discussion about Esteps in a locations, Click on Discussion.

When posting a query in a discussion, be sure to give enough information so that someone can help you, e.g., first names, dates (births, marriages, deaths), locations, and be specific about what information you're seeking.

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Comment by N A Lemons on July 16, 2009 at 9:31am
Genealogy Wise isn't much like Facebook in some ways so that's why I couldn't find where my messages went but I think I found them.

Abraham Eastep was born 1824 in Rowan Co. (now Davie Co.) NC to Moses Estep and Elizabeth Jones. Moses' mother was Rebeckah Estep and it appears that he was an illegitmate son or his mother was married to an Estep. Thomas Estep, Jr. of Rowan Co., NC named a daughter Rebecca Estep in his will. Rebecca was either single or married an Estep. I have a record saying that Moses Estep was to be paid for the upkeep of his mother Rebeckah Estep. Thomas Estep, Jr. was the son of Thomas Estep, Sr. and Mary of Maryland. I'd be glad to start a discussion on Moses Estep and his parents for that's where I need more information on.
Comment by Cindy Johnston Sorley on July 15, 2009 at 11:20pm
Hi, I got your messages. Let's make a discussion of your Abraham and see if we can get anyone that can help..
Comment by N A Lemons on July 15, 2009 at 10:23pm
Hi Cindy. I sent you three messages but don't think they went through to you. If they did, I didn't see any indication that they did. Oh, well. Anyway. My Eastep surname was originally Estep. When my ancestor Abraham Estep and his wife Ann moved to east Texas from Alabama late 1840s, their surname was spelled Eastep and has been since then. I am looking forward to seeing this group grow.

Members (2)



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