Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Please do not put disputes on NFS information - just add the correct information as another opinion with your source documentation.

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i am sorry I think you may have misunderstood
I have to dispute you just a bit on this one :)

Problems aren't always about conflicting dates and places, or how the name should be spelled. There are times when a dispute is the only option to clarify an error. When someone else has connected a child to the wrong parents (say attaching the child to the correct father with wife #2 instead of wife #1), a dispute is the only way to indicate that there is any issue with that child being attached to the wrong mother, if you are unable to contact the person who made the original posting and ask them politely to correct the error (key word: politely. Include your source information as to why you believe it to be an error.)

It is definitely important, though, to be clear about where the dispute is posted, so that it doesn't end up being recorded on every member of the family.
That is exactly the way I used to feel until we were try to correct that exact problem and because of a dispute put on it the person who submitted it could not correct it. And to top it off somehow that person had no contact information so we could not contact him. But thanks for the dispute...oh i mean reply :)
TOTALLY AGREE.. The purpose of nFS is to bring families together in a collaboration effort to get the best information on each individual. I have really enjoyed meeting people who are "all wet" with their data because they didn't have primary sources. Unfortunatly the data they got was from an old Ancestry GEDCOM that I submitted 6 years ago. It seems our old mistakes come to haunt us. We should Google our old trees on websites and update them.
I am just glad I can claim my old submissions and correct the mistakes I made when I was just beginning. We were all beginners once. Also some of my earlier information was based on what was available at the time. The internet has opened up so many new sources. Now I need to correct those old trees.
With the new discussion feature that is coming to New Family Search, maybe they should dump the dispute data into the beginning of a discussion on that person. Then the record would not be locked up and there be a negative aspect to the action.



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