Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

French-Canadian Descendants


French-Canadian Descendants

All French-Canadians are related as they are descended from about 2.500 people. They also have some of the best kept records in the world. Please feel free to post queries, events, pictures, tell stories, etc.

Members: 220
Latest Activity: Feb 14, 2024

Discussion Forum


Started by James P. LaLone. Last reply by Lee Martin Oct 27, 2017. 10 Replies

CARIGNAN REGIMENT & THE FILLES DU ROIThese two ‘groups” are for many French-Canadians the equivalent of the US’ DAR and Mayflower’s Descendants.The following are Internet sites to learn more…Continue


Started by tbeaudoin Jun 25, 2017. 0 Replies

I am new to Genealogy Wise. I have been working on the Benoit side of my mother's genealogy and it led me here. Whoever posted the ANCEfamily.RTF document, I would really like to connect with you. I…Continue

Tags: Ance, Pond, Beniot


Started by James P. LaLone. Last reply by James P. LaLone Oct 22, 2016. 4 Replies

Notary records are another good source for discovering information on your ancestor. They are the civil legal records that are sometimes a good substitute if a marriage record is missing. For…Continue

Free Ebooks, 1865, 1866, Beamish Murdock, Esq. History of Nova Scotia or Acadie, Vol. I & II

Started by Arorasky Sep 6, 2016. 0 Replies

 Here is a link to free books on "History of Nova Scotia or Acadie"-(actual titles of the books by Beamish Murdock, Esq.  books were written in 1865 and 1866.  I have a tendency to read and research…Continue

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Comment by Suzi ♫ on December 20, 2020 at 3:47pm

here are a list of surnames in my Ancestry that I have been working on. I will list only the ones from Quebec. quite a few were from France Alps area that came to Quebec. Dionne for sure, the quints are a relation but not sure how. was told thought family.

Bourbeau, Bouchard

Champox, Charbonneau, Chauvin, Comier, Dejadon, Ducas, Pelletier, Godin, Lachambre, La motte, Mineur, Tremblay, Biquet dit Norbert, Sevigny

There are more

Ugh! SO many more!

Comment by Pete Violette on January 18, 2019 at 1:42pm

I am currently working on a family history for my wife, the Paradis and Duval's. I'm interested in and willing to collaborate with others interested in those two families. 

Comment by Elaine Jeffrey-Coxon on June 26, 2018 at 8:56am

I am new to this group and my main French Canadian surnames are Geoffroy, Charron dit Ducharme, Corriveau, Masse, Denomme, Gravelle, and Latour dit Forget generally from the Counties of Joliette and Berthier, Quebec.

Comment by James P. LaLone on June 21, 2018 at 4:31pm

From -
"Elizabeth Bourne
June 19 at 2:35pm

Bonjour Tremblay cousins! There's a new exhibit at the Rendez-vous at Ste. Anne Parish de Detroit this year! We are dedicating a tent to "Our Families, Our Stories." Organizers are looking for people to create tabletop displays about your French Canadian, Metis or Native American family. I am doing one on my Vaillancourt side of my family which will show my connection to Benoit Tremblay, but the main story will be on my other line. Since there are so many Tremblays, it would be great to have the family represented. In this tent we will also have cards on cords for people to write their surnames, and then they can wear the cards during the festival. This will make it pretty easy to connect with cousins. If you are interested in creating a display, private message me and I'll give you more information. The Rendez-vous will be held September 22 and 23, 2018, timed to coincide with French Canadian Heritage Week in Michigan. I am especially interested in displays which would feature the migration of the Tremblays from Quebec to Detroit to the founding of Bay City, Michigan. Thank you!"

I plan on being there the 22nd with info on the TREMBLAY family - Jim.

Comment by James P. LaLone on October 27, 2017 at 2:39pm

NEHGS announces a webinar (these are free!) on November 16 2017, 3-4 pm Eastern Time:

Navigating Notarial Records in Quebec

“Notarial records are an essential—yet often overlooked—resource for family historians researching ancestors with roots in Quebec. From marriages to estate inventories to labor contracts these records can provide a wealth of genealogical information not found elsewhere. Join Senior Researcher Sheilagh Doerfler to learn about what types of notarial records exist, how to access them, and how to get the most out of these important resources."

Register at

Comment by James P. LaLone on June 15, 2017 at 11:56am

Of possible interest -

From: Genealogy a la carte by Gail Dever
LAC part of worldwide Francophone organization that launched digital library

Members of the Reseau francophone numerique (RFN) [Francophone Digital Network], including Library and Archives Canada (LAC), issued a news release yesterday to announce they had unveiled a new digital library at their annual general meeting in Brussels on April 26. The French-language Bibliotheque numerique du RFN website includes more than a thousand records from the heritage collections of ten Francophonie member nations and states.

A quick look at the Amerique- section, representing the Americas and the Caribbean, reveals digitized documents by Jacques Cartier and Samuel de Champlain, an early 18th-century document about the laws and constitutions in the French colonies in America, and maps.

Comment by James P. LaLone on December 2, 2016 at 6:52pm
Comment by James P. LaLone on November 25, 2016 at 2:39pm
Comment by James P. LaLone on November 25, 2016 at 2:39pm
Comment by Arorasky on September 9, 2016 at 9:56am

@ Jayne Ireland,

I agree with you Jayne, in the first place, the original "Acadians" were spoken of within the Jesuit Relations books, and when they (the Jesuits) referred to them they in many cases were talking about the children born of the french and n8tv marriages.  I've spent years doing this research and have located numerous references and marriages of french and n8tv..within many many records of the old forts, Jesuits, churches etc, But the fact still remains...that their are "groups" of ppl whom don't want these marriages listed, seen or known about.  When I first lost my original data, from a puter crash, I went to a distant cousin online, and asked if I could get a copy from him, to restart all my genealogy thru grandparent lines he and I shared. He gave me it happily, and I was very grateful..but this is where it changed and opened my eyes..I told him I was having a hard time locating any documents of mixed marriages within the Quebec and Acadie areas didn't know where to find the records of the ones of n8v descent.  He informed me, there was NO NDN in our Families at ALL and that we were of PURE FRENCH BLOOD LINES..this was his exact words..then he went on to say, it was impossible, as their HAD NEVER BEEN ANY NDNS IN the QUEBEC< ACADIE< of LAPRAIRIE regions!  again..his words.  So I dropped it, and went to researching on my own again.  THis year I actually came across something else disturbing...Membership into one of the N.Eastern Seaboard Genealogical Societies, REQUIRES that researchers will NEVER post, SHARE or give out ANY INFO of CHILDREN born that are ILLEGITEMATE in particular within the LAST 100 years.  now.. I was floored when I read this..BECAUSE their were many many Country Marrgs and Ntv marrgs..meaning.. if common lawed married..guess what..they won't show you give you or help you find the infos, and if you join to get to the infos..they have you signing a doc that won't share it or show it!  hows that for another way to keep infos outta the spotlight


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