Genealogy Wise

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I'm a brand new member to GW, and a real newbie to genealogical research. I read I should start a new thread if I expect/hope for at least one response, so here it is.

I'm attempting to verify (or de-bunk) a very strong family story that we are directly descended from Dr. Samuel Fuller, John Alden and Priscilla Mullins, and Richard Warren. My brother's middle name was Alden for that reason, and my father was Richard Warren Fuller. An uncle also had Alden for a middle name.

In fact, BOTH sides of my family have strong Alden connections. My mother's side actually had 'artifacts' that have since gone missing.

Through several sites, I have been tracing my Fuller line. To date, I have gotten back to my gggggrandfather, Timothy Fuller, born 1751 in Rehoboth, MA, married to Molly Medbury. I am having real difficulty getting substantiated info beyond their marriage date of 1760 0r 1763.

I have found several strong candidates that give me leads possibly back to Capt. Samuel Fuller of Salem, MA who married Mary Ide (a twin) in 1673 in Rehoboth. I'd really like to 'nail down' the validity of the connections after Timothy and Molly. I have read that Molly could be a proper name as well as a pet name for Mary or Margaret, but nothing solid shows for any of those. 

Has anyone here any connections to these names?

Thanks in advance!

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Gary, I hope you see this. For some reason there's no 'reply' click at the end of your last post. (???)

Back to the 'recent past'; Sarah Bowen and Robert Fuller, Sr. had Capt. Samuel Fuller (Mary Ide- Iyde), followed by:

Samuel Fuller, Jr. (Dorothy Wilmarth)

Timothy Fuller, Sr. (Hannah Bliss then Elizabeth Thurber-myggggrand mother)

Timothy Fuller, Jr (Molly Medbury) this is the couple giving me the most difficulty with solid proof. I keep running into pay sites to get their info!

Timothy Fuller, III (Olive Horton) he committed suicide in 1866- 2 years after Olive's death and 1 yr after remarrying, Ellen Hutton Taylor)

Israel Cornell Fuller (Mary Louise Littlefield)

Frank Israel Fuller, Sr. (Minnie Dirsch- German immigrant)

Frank Israel Fuller, Jr. (Blanche Adele Bryant)

Richard Warren Fuller (Ruth Louise Clark) my parents!

A former governor of MA- also the largest Cadillac dealer in New England, Alvan T Fuller, is in there someplace, too.

I'm with you! Each and every one of my 'relatives' is part of who I am. They each have a place in my history.

Hmmm....strange. I don't see a Reply link under yours, either. But, in any case, we do still have the Add Reply button, at least.

 Thanks for the additions to Robert and Sarah's children!  :)  I think I had them, at one point, before my previous computer died and I had to reassemble my database from an old Gedcom file. I've got to remember to back this stuff up in multiple locations.


Backup is a dirty word! Every time I try, it messes my computer up- but I'm not a techie, so I know it's me.

I just found this link: when I Googled Llwyngwair, Pembroke, Wales. Looks like we have a few more cousins.

I've also been working on my Clarks, but haven't come across any matching yours- yet.

I also should have mentioned that Minnie Dirsch, above, was still living until I was about 12 y.o.!!! She died at about 102! She was a WONDERFUL 'Nana' while I was growing up. We used to listen to the old radio mysteries together.

Backup is easy, really. Just copying files from one disk to another. It's just that I never think about doing it.

Thanks for the link. Given how common the name Clark is, I'm hesitant to say my James Clark is THE emigrant ancestor for all of them, but it's least for those who came from Connecticut, anyway.

"Easy" can be a relative term, I've learned! LOL!

CT to VT is a very short trip up the Connecticut River valley. I have a Charles C. Clark who was born in Florida, MA ( a real place- I've been there), not far at all from the CT River, so there could be a connection yet.

"Verrrrrrrry interesting" doesn't even begin to describe it!!!!

I just went on that ride from Jane Stradling-----Alice Fitzalan!!!!!


Thank you for sharing that!

My youngest son is into Renaissance stuff. He taught himself blacksmithing so he could make chainmail, knives, etc. He will be floored!

Well, if there's one thing I've learned about our ancestors, it's that they were people on the move. My Bates line arrived in Massachusetts in 1635 and, by the 19th century, they were all over not only New England, but the whole country, so, no doubt the Clarks were, as well.


One of my Fullers started out near Eastport, Maine- way north and known as the first place the sun hits the continental US. He married a woman from Newport, RI. They migrated across ME, into NH, southwest to CT- propagating along the way!

It's going to be exciting to see where everyone went!

Hey, I was adding to my Albee and Cook(e) lines yesterday and found the Cookes lead to a new "gateway" into the Kings of the Scots. Do you have John Albee (1678-1778) in your line? He lived in Medfield and Mendon, MA. His mother was Hannah Cook. When I tracked the Cookes back to Sir Norman Cooke (1360-1401), I then followed his mother's father's line back to Alexander I "The Fierce", his father Malcolm I, King of the Scots, and his father, Duncan I (who was killed by MacBeth). This is the second lineage I've discovered that leads to them, but this one is the shortest and most direct.



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