Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Hi all-

I use Google and Google books in my genealogy research, if anyone has hints or ideas or questions, let's use this space to post them. :)


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If the book from Google Books is not available for downloading and you don't want to purchase it, check out locate it in a library which goes to WorldCat. If you put your zip code in they will give you information on where the book is located (library) and how many miles from you. Some might be in your backyard!! Otherwise, I take my request for the book to my local librarian who orders it on interlibrary loan for me. .... Ruby Coleman
Hi Ruby-

I've often done this myself. :) Sometimes you can't get the books as the other library won't let it leave their library, but I've been surprised by the books that I've been able to look at. :)

When searching on google. if your looking for something in particular type inbetween quotes for example if your looking for a member of your family type "the name" like this that way only the name you want will pop up. Also if you know the location type "the name=location" and you'll get that person in that location and no other bumf

Hope that makes sense x
Google books are fantastic. I've download a couple about my ancestors. They are great as reference points, a great source for how our ancestors lived and what they did for the areas they lived in.
Hi Ruby,

Another tip for the library: most have Heritage Quest, if you don't want to download the whole book, you can download particular pages.
another Google tip
Register for Google Alerts at
I'm searching Wardill so in the alert box i type in quotes "wardill"
i now get daily emails if someone types about Wardill on the net.. Yesterday i had an alert to say a Wardill had joined Facebook, i messaged them on the off chance and have found a 5th cousin in America! I'm so pleased and its such an easy thing i felt i needed to share xx
That's great, Tracey! :)



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