Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

DNA testing is a very useful tool for a genealogist. Have you had yours tested? I'm interested in hearing the reasons why you have... or maybe why you haven't yet.

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Yes, I have had my DNA tested, Y only. Mine was part of the Clan MacFarlane study in 2007, but I had been interested in for a couple of years prior to that. In the early days of DNA testing I was marginally worried about privacy, but as I learned more about it am quite happy to share results. Now I am seriously considering doing a mtDNA profile. Tom
Currently I have been able to collect paternal DNA markers for 4 of my family surnames: Horne, Jaynes, Gibson, Hickman. I also have maternal DNA markers for myself and one of my cousins, now that is a whole different ball game, changes in maiden name to married names makes it next to impossible to find direct linkage on some of my family lines. My maternal DNA is the only one I have been able to take back to 1765. Hope to someday find others who are of this DNA lineage.
We had one done on my husband, but we are still very confused in what we have learned. It did not tell us anything we wanted to know or we still do not understand how to read it. Anyone able to help?



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