Genealogy Wise

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I just started researching my Glass ancestors. The lore, reported in some local histories, is that Hiram Glass came from Dublin, Ireland, was b. abt 1734, settled in Virginia, and fought in the Revolution. His son Dudley was born abt 1760, moved to Kentucky and then Illinois (by abt 1802), fought in the War of 1812 in the Illinois Militia (this part seems to be somewhat documented), and was married between 2 and 5 times. I think there's a mix up between multiple Dudley Glasses in Virginia, and possibly a Dudley and a son Dudley being conflated. But haven't worked this out yet at all. (Like I said, just started.)

In any case, some Dudley Glass was an early settler in Illinois, and his descendants settled there, Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Nebraska, and other parts west. I'm trying to sort them out. Anyone else working on these families?

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Hi Stephanie,

My Glass line goes only to Johnson Glass found in Chatham County, NC in 1810. I believe he was born in VA abt. 1780ish. There were several related Glass families in VA that orignated from Banbridge, County Down, Ireland, but putting them together is a task. There is a Hiram and Dudley Glass that ended up in Henry Co. and Weakley Co., TN. We all have to be connected. There was also a John Glass born around the same time as Hiram. Are they brothers? Anything you can provide on the early Glass families in VA is appreciated! Thanks!



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